Miles to go …

November 22, 2010

Screencast #35: JDK 7 Project Coin Features in NetBeans IDE 7.0 Beta

Filed under: netbeans — arungupta @ 12:45 pm

NetBeans IDE 7.0 Beta was released last week – download here. JDK 7 build 118 was released last week as well – download here. The New and Noteworthy page of NetBeans 7.0 highlights the support for some of the Project Coin features. This screencast highlights how to get started with JDK 7 in NetBeans IDE and use some of the Project Coin features, specifically:

  • Strings in switch
  • Binary integer literals and underscores in numeric literals
  • Multi-catch
  • Improved type inference for generic instance creation (diamond operator)
  • Automatic resource management


Share feedback about Project Coin at coin-dev and about NetBeans at NetBeans Forums.

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