Miles to go …

November 2, 2010

Silicon Valley Marathon 2010 Results – Personal Record!

Filed under: marathons, running — arungupta @ 4:17 pm

I ran Dean Karnazes Silicon Valley Marathon 2010 over the weekend and here are the results:

This amounts to an average page of 8:35 min/mile.

A total of 2100 runners registered for the entire event, 652 were marathon finishers (464 males and 188 females) and rest were half-marathoners, 5k runners, and kids races. The marathon male winner completed the course in 2:35:25 and the female winner in 3:12:44. The complete results are available here.

A split of finish times for males and females is given below:

As evident, most of the marathoners finished within the 3:30 – 4:00 hour range. The average finish time was 4:17:03. A complete route of the map is available below (click on the map for an interactive version):

My last long run before the marathon was almost 7 weeks before the race. After that I ran a practice half marathon and all my other runs were single digits. I did log lots of miles but they were on airlines traveling internationally for different conferences so was focusing primarily on cross-training. It helped but lack of long runs showed up in poor performance during the last few miles as evident in the mile splits below:

Guess, I hit the wall at mile 23 :(

Even though this was a PR for me and I improved timings by over 15 minutes from the last full marathon but I did not like the performance during the last few miles. Stronger and faster running with several hill runs are certainly the key and I need to put more emphasis on them!

There were significant differences from other local and much bigger races like Rock-n-Roll and San Francisco Marathon such as one mass start instead of wave starts, relatively less number of spectators, and much smaller expo. But the huge advantage was that the start time was 7am and there is ample free parking in the San Jose downtown on weekends.

Anyway here is the cumulative result of all the marathons so far:

Marathon / Half Marathon Total Time Pace
Silicon Valley Marathon 2010 3:49:17 8:35
San Francisco 1/2 Marathon 2010 1:35:42 7:18
San Jose Rock-n-Roll 2009 1:30:59 6:57
San Francicsco 1/2 Marathon 2009 1:38:21 7:31
Kaiser Permanente San Francicsco 1/2 2009 1:41:30 7:45
Silicon Valley 1/2 2008 1:45:42 8:04
San Francisco 1/2 2008 1:52:44 8:25
San Francisco Full 2007 4:04:33 9:20
Silicon Valley Full 2006 4:06:57 9:25
San Francisco 1/2 2005 1:48:50 8:18

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