Java EE 7 Hands-on Lab on WildFly and OpenShift (Tech Tip #33)

Thanks to @dmueller for inspiring this blog entry and @FarahJuma for keeping WildFly cartridge continuously updated!

Java EE 7 hands-on lab has been delivered at several conferences, meetups, Java User Groups, and other venues around the world. It provides instructions for a typical 3-tier application using several technologies in the Java EE 7 platform, such as WebSocket 1.0 (JSR 356), Batch Applications (JSR 352), JSON-P 1.0 (JSR 353), JAX-RS 2.0 (JSR 339), JMS 2.0 (JSR 343), CDI 1.1 (JSR 346), JPA 2.1 (JSR 338), and many more. The self-paced instructions allows the attendees to learn the design patterns in Java EE 7, and be productive right away.

This lab can be built using NetBeans, JBoss Tools/Eclipse, or IntelliJ. The deployment can be done on WildFly or GlassFish.

Do you want to get a taste of the application without trying out all the steps ? You can download the solution and deploy on application server of your choice.

Don’t have time for downloading and installing your application server ? OpenShift is your answer!

OpenShift provides an open source hybrid cloud application platform by Red Hat. It enables polyglot applications to be deployed on a public, private, and a hybrid cloud very easily. It provides an extensible cartridge-based architecture that allows a wide range of functionality such as frameworks, databases, monitoring services, or connectors to external backends to be easily added. WildFly cartridge allows you to start a WildFly instance in OpenShift Online.

This Tech Tip shows how to deploy Java EE 7 hands-on lab solution easily on WildFly cartridge on OpenShift.

  1. Register for a free OpenShift account.
  2. Login to OpenShift Console.
  3. Create a new WildFly application using the quickstart. Take the defaults, or change the name to whatever you want, and click on “Create Application”. The following page is shown:techtip33-app-created-credsThe default application page looks like:techtip33-wildfly-default-output
  4. Clone the workspace using the credentials shown for your application.
  5. Delete the generated “src” directory and copy the “src” from solution.
  6. Commit and push the changes to restart the cartridge:

Refreshing the page at now shows the application deployed successfully:


Simple, isn’t it ?

Try it and let us know your feedback!

Tech Tip #21 also talks about how to get started with WildFly in OpenShift and JBoss Developer Studio.


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4 thoughts on “Java EE 7 Hands-on Lab on WildFly and OpenShift (Tech Tip #33)

  1. Hi Arun, I did not understand where is the database in this case, could you please help me to understand? Thanks a lot!

  2. WildFly comes with an in-memory database and that is being used for this deployment. You can certainly configure the app to use a separate database.

  3. Hi Arun, yes, I saw, sorry for not have checked better before asking. Thanks a lot for your support!

  4. Pingback: Develop in Java Newsletter #1 | Develop In Java

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