Monthly Archives: June 2016

Microservices using WildFly Swarm, Docker and Couchbase

Containers, Microsoervices, and NoSQL provide an awesome threesome for building your modern applications. These applications need to be agile, meet constantly evolving customer demands, be pervasive, and should work across mobile, web and IoT platforms.

This blog will explain a simple microservices stack using WildFly Swarm, Docker, and Couchbase. Complete code and instructions in this blog are documented at:

Let’s understand the key components of this stack first!


WildFly Swarm allows to package and run JavaEE applications by packaging them with just enough of the server runtime to java -jar your application. With built-in service discovery, single sign-on using Keycloak, monitoring using Hawkular, and many more features, WildFly Swarm provides all the necessary components to develop your microservice.


Docker for Mac provides native support for running Docker containers on Mac OSX. It relies upon Hypervisor.framework in OSX. Docker engine runs in an Alpine Linux distribution on top of an xhyve Virtual Machine, and even the VM is managed by Docker. There is no need for Docker Machine or VirtualBox, and it integrates with OSX security sandbox model. DockerCon 2016 removed the private beta restriction from Docker for Mac, and so its available for everybody now.

Couchbase Logo

NoSQL provides the agility and flexibility of schema-less databases. This allows the application to evolve independently and rapidly without going through cumbersome database migrations. Couchbase offers true horizontal scaling with homogenous architecture, as opposed to non-scalable master/slave architecture. It also offers auto-sharding, SQL-like query language for JSON (N1QL), mobile database and synchronization with the backend server, and much more.

The complete sample application in this blog is at:

WildFly Swarm Application

Let’s look at the Java EE REST endpoint:

It uses standard JAX-RS annotation to convert a POJO into a REST endpoint. Couchbase Java API provide a fluent API and used N1QL statement to query the documents and return the results. The N1QL statement returns the first 10 elements from the query result. Learn more about N1QL syntax in this interactive tutorial.

Database abstraction is defined as:

This is a singleton EJB that is eagerly initialized. It uses Couchbase Java SDK to connect to Couchbase. Database endpoint can be specified using the COUCHBASE_URI environment variable.

Next up is pom.xml for configuring the WildFly Swarm and Couchbase Java Client:

It uses WildFly Swarm “bill of materials” to pull in all the dependencies. Only the specific dependencies needed for the build are specified in <dependencies>. These are then packaged in the “fat jar”.

WildFly Swarm Maven plugin is used to package and run the application:

COUCHBASE_URI is used to read the host of where Couchbase database server is running.

Run Couchbase Server

Run the Couchbase server using Docker for Mac:

The arungupta/couchbase is built upon the standard Couchbase image and uses Couchbase REST API to configure the server.

Wait for a couple of minutes for the sample bucket to be populated with the JSON documents.

Invoke the Couchbase CLI tool cbq create a primary index on the sample bucket:

This will show the output as:

This output shows that result of creating index was successful.

One of the advantages of running Docker for Mac is that all the containers are accessible at localhost. This means Couchbase Web Console can be accessed at localhost:8091.


This screen ensures that Couchbase is configured  correctly.

Run WildFly Swarm Microservice


Package and run the self-contained microservice as:

If Couchbase is running on a different host, then the command will change to:

It shows the output as:

Now the application can be accessed as:

And a formatted output looks like:

So you built a simple microservice using WildFly Swarm accessing a Couchbase database running as a Docker container.

Now, ideally this WildFly Swarm service should be packaged as a Docker image and then that Docker image would serve as the service. A Maven profile with the name docker is already added to pom.xml but issue #3 is making that scenario fail.

Microservices References

  • WildFly Swarm
  • Getting Started with NoSQL
  • GitHub Repo:


Kubernetes Cluster on Azure and Expose Couchbase Service

Kubernetes Logo

This blog is part of a multi-part blog series that shows how to run your applications on Kubernetes. It will use the Couchbase, an open source NoSQL distributed document database, as the  Docker container.

  • Part 1 explained how to start Kubernetes cluster using Vagrant – Kubernetes on Vagrant
  • Part 2 did the same for Amazon Web Services – Kubernetes on Amazon Web Services
  • Part 3 did the same for Google Cloud – Kubernetes on Google Cloud

This fourth part will show:

  • How to setup and start the Kubernetes cluster on Azure
  • Run Docker container in the Kubernetes cluster
  • Expose Pod on Kubernetes as Service
  • Shutdown the cluster


Many thanks to @colemickens  for helping me through this recipe. This blog content is heavily based upon the instructions at

Install and Configure Azure CLI

Azure CLI is a command-line interface to develop, deploy and manage Azure applications. This is needed in order to install Kubernetes cluster on Azure.

  1. Install Node:
  2. Install Azure CLI:
  3. Sign up for free trial at
  4. Login to Azure using the command azure login:
  5. Get account information using azure account show command:
    Note the value shown instead of XXX and YYY. These will be used to configure the Kubernetes cluster.

Start Kubernetes Cluster

  1. Download Kubernetes 1.2.4 and extract it.
  2. Kubernetes cluster on Azure can be started as:
    Make sure to specify the appropriate values for XXX and YYY from the previous command. AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID and AZURE_TENANT_ID are specific to Azure.

    These values can also be edited in cluster/azure/

  3. Start Kubernetes cluster:

    It starts four nodes of Standard_A1 size. Each node gives you 1 core, 1.75 GB RAM, and 40GB HDD.

Run Docker Container in Kubernetes Cluster on Azure

Now that the cluster is up and running, get a list of all the nodes:

Four instances are created as shown – one for master node and three for worker nodes.

Azure Portal shows all the created artifacts in the Resource Group:


More details about the created nodes is available:


Create a Couchbase pod:

Notice, how the image name can be specified on the CLI. Kubernetes pre-1.2 versions created a Replication Controller with this command. This is explained in  Kubernetes on Amazon Web Services or Kubernetes on Google Cloud. Kubernetes 1.2 introduced Deployments and so this creates a Deployment instead. This enables simplified application deployment and management including versioning, multiple simultaneous rollouts, aggregating status across all pods, maintaining application availability and rollback.

The pod uses arungupta/couchbase Docker image that provides a pre-configured Couchbase server. Any Docker image can be specified here.

Status of the pod can be watched:

Get more details about the pod:

Expose Pod on Kubernetes as Service

Now that our pod is running, how do I access the Couchbase server? You need to expose the Deployment as a Service outside the Kubernetes cluster.

Typically, this will be exposed using the command:

But Azure does not support --type=LoadBalancer at this time. This feature is being worked upon and will hopefully be available in the near future. So in the meanwhile, we’ll expose the Service as:

Now proxy to this Service using kubectl proxy command:

And now this exposed Service is accessible at This shows the login screen of Couchbase Web Console:


Shutdown Kubernetes Cluster

Finally, shutdown the cluster using cluster/ script.

This script shuts down the cluster but the Azure resource group need to be explicitly removed. This can be done by selecting the Resource Group from


This is filed as #26601.


Further references …

  • Couchbase Server Developer Portal
  • Couchbase on Containers
  • Questions on StackOverflow, Forums or Slack Channel
  • Follow us @couchbasedev
  • Couchbase 4.5 Beta
