Aslak Knutsen: Enterprise Testing at DevNation 2014

Aslak Knutsen (@aslakknutsen), a Senior Software Engineer and Arquillian Project Lead at Red Hat will be speaking at DevNation.


Here is what he had to say about his session …

What sessions are you giving at DevNation ?

The ABCs of testing the enterprise layers (Room 212)
Wednesday 4/16 @ 4:50pm

What are three takeaways from your session ?

  1. Everything that can fail will, so test.
  2. The scope of ‘too hard to test’ has been drastically reduced.
  3. Meet the aliens. :)

What do you find most exciting about DevNation ?

Nice mix of DevOps, Cloud and Development.

What sessions are you looking forward to attend ?

  • Writing basic OpenShift cartridges
  • Containers all the way down: Q&A with the Docker team
  • HackNight

Do you want to learn more about transactional guarantees in MongoDB ?

Register for DevNation today! Early bird ends tomorrow.

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