Mauricio Leal: CDI Training and Mobile Experience with WebSocket at DevNation 2014

Mauricio Leal (@maltron), Community Manager, Developer Advocate, and Outreach Program Manager at Red Hat will be speaking at DevNation.


Here is what he had to say about his sessions …

What sessions are you giving at DevNation ?

I will present one training:
Application Development with CDI, Sunday, 4/13, 9am

and one talk on Wednesday:
Enhancing Mobile Experience with WebSocket, Wednesday, 4/16, 4:50pm

What are three takeaways from your sessions ?

From my training:

  • The basics of CDI
  • Leveraging CDI in Java EE Applications
  • Decoupling and turning your application more maintainable

From my talk: Enhancing Mobile Experience with WebSocket

  • WebSocket 101: What kind of problems it’s good to approach.
  • Understand when to leverage WebSocket for better Mobile Experience
  • When WebSocket is good for (and when it’s not)

What do you find most exciting about DevNation ?

Meet several legendary speakers such as Gavin King and Tim Fox. Be close to the people who is providing the latest technologies, making the lives of Developers much easier and catch up with the newest innovations from Red Hat.

…and let’s not forget: The Beer :)

What sessions are you looking forward to attend ?

  • Integrating the Internet of Things – Sameer Parulkar & Jack Britton
  • Java Puzzlers: Something old, something Gnu, Something bogus, something blew – Josh Bloch and Bob Lee
  • Cooking with Apache Camel: Tips and Tricks – Scott Cranton

Do you want to learn more about CDI, WebSocket, and meet a fun guy from Brazil ?

Register for DevNation today, save $150 by using 150OFF discount code.

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