Au Revoir Red Hat

This Friday (Sep 18, 2015) is my last day at Red Hat!

I’ve throughly enjoyed my time here and always thought of myself working at Red Hat for a very long term. This change is not a reflection on Red Hat in any sense, but as a German philosopher said:

Change alone is eternal, perpetual, and immortal

Arthur Schopenhauer

I was fortunate to be involved with several projects at Red Hat. Some of them are WildFly, WildFly Swarm, Arquillian, JBoss Forge, Docker, Kubernetes, xPaaS, Eclipse, JBoss Developer Studio, NetBeans, Hibernate OGM, Camel, APIMan, Fabric8, Infinispan, Keycloak, Windup, Ceylon, Vert.x, Cordova, AeroGear, OpenShift, CI/CD, Microservices, and a whole lot more.

Make sure to subscribe to JBoss Weekly and @jbossdeveloper for latest updates about JBoss or to @rhdevelopers to learn all about Red Hat Developers.

A complete list of all the JBoss Middleware projects can be found at

Over all …

  • Authored ~250 blog posts covering different topics
  • Met and worked with some top notch developers in open source
  • Learned how business is built around open source
  • Spoke at multiple events around the world
  • Happily lived the collaborative Red Hat culture
  • Had lots of fun

I still feel surprised that my stay at Red Hat lasted only < 2 years. But seems like they knew about this move and already printed an expiry date on the badge 😉

Red Hat Badge

Newer badges don’t seem to have an expiry date so that leaves recently joined employees a better chance of sticking around 😉

Red Hat is very well positioned to lead the Java EE Application Server market with their innovative WildFly and JBoss EAP. They have built the a great PaaS platform with Docker and Kubernetes as the basis. They’ve the right mindset and developers love them, and they are executing well. $RHT has gone from ~$43 to $70 since I joined.

The market is all theirs to capture and I wish them good luck.

A very heartfelt thanks to Red Hat for giving the opportunity to work at the best open source company in the world. You should seriously check out!

I’m an athlete and truly believe that life begins at the end of your comfort zone. So here, once again, I’m shocking myself and venturing into a new world.

So, what’s going to be my next adventure?

Without giving away too much, I can say that I’ll be sitting comfortably on a … stay tuned!

May the Open Source be with you!

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17 thoughts on “Au Revoir Red Hat

  1. Hi Arun,

    Since last few days, I started looking into your blogs (from starting blog of miles2go 2.0). You have maintained the blogs very nicely and the contents have widen my technical knowhow. I’ve 17+ yrs. of hands on exp. on java , java EE. I’ve worked on JBoss app servers, Fuse, JBPM, Drools etc. Thats why the blog contents interest me.

    Eager to know your next tech engagement in your next blog. Hope the miles2go 3.0 will start very soon !!!

  2. You can’t “be sitting”, you’re a runner 😉
    Anyhow, good luck and have fun!

  3. You really rock Arun and a real role model. I wish you the best of luck with your new employer.

  4. All the best Arun. Following your blogs from close to 3 years, i enjoy reading your blogs e about technical and non technical(Running) posts. May you become fitter, stronger and healthier with your runner and educating every one with your posts on latest technologies.

  5. Arun, your Blog was inspiration and has helped me more than once. Your new colleagues are lucky to have you. May the Opensource stay with you.

  6. Arun,
    Surprised at this move!. Glad to see you still carry energy to go after what you want. Good luck.


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