Devoxx4Kids CFP at Red Hat Summit and DevNation

RedHat Summit LogoDevNation Logo Devoxx4Kids

Red Hat is hosting a Devoxx4Kids event that will invite technology educators and kids together on Sunday, Jun 21 in Boston, MA.

Are you speaking or attending Red Hat Summit or DevNation? Do you live in and around Boston area?

Are you interested in delivering a 2-hour hands-on workshop for kids on the Sunday before the main conference?

This is an opportunity for developers and educators who would like to give a 2-hour hands-on workshop to kids from 6-16 years old. Presenters will need to arrange all the software and hardware required for the lab, except laptops which will be provided.


What? Two tracks, six workshops
Kids 6-10 and 10-16 years old
When? Sunday, Jun 21
Where? Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA

Suggested Topics

What are some of the suggested topics that can be submitted for the workshops?

  • Are you involved with CoderDojo or a Devoxx4Kids instructor who would like to give a workshop in Boston?
  • Do you like to tinker with Tynker, Scratch, Blockly, Greenfoot or any other such technology?
  • Have you been giving workshops on LEGO, Arduino, RaspberryPi, Intel Galileo, or any other fancy boards?
  • Would you like to show a real practical use case of Internet of Things to kids using simple software and hardware?
  • How about some Java, JavaScript, Scala, HTML5, CSS, Python, Ruby?
  • Teach kids workshops on basic principles of Open Source?
  • Build a simple mobile applications using Android or iOS?

And these are only suggested topics. We know that you are much more creative and can submit all sorts of fun sessions.

Submit Talks

Submit your talks by filling in the form below:

We have a limited capacity and looking forward to your submissions. You’ve until May 7th to submit your workshops.

Good luck!

If you’ve submitted talks for the main conference, then this would be a great opportunity to bring your kids. They can either attend the workshop, or even deliver a workshop. Young presenters are always very inspiring!

You can learn more about Red Hat’s involvement with Devoxx4Kids at

Registration for this event will be announce at a later date.

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8 thoughts on “Devoxx4Kids CFP at Red Hat Summit and DevNation

  1. Pingback: Devoxx4Kids CFP at Red Hat Summit and DevNation | Social Marketing by I88.CA
  2. Hi,
    I don’t know your email address otherwise I would have not used this method to tell you that your website looks like it’s been hacked. The title bar has a link on it that isn’t consistent with encouraging kids to program.

  3. Pingback: Devoxx4Kids CFP at Red Hat Summit and DevNation | Social Marketing by I88.CA
  4. Would you know how my son and my husband could register for Devoxx for Kids event in Boston June 21?

  5. Pingback: DevNation and Red Hat Summit 2015 Wrapup | Social Marketing by WordPress

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