Devoxx4Kids at Red Hat Summit 2015

RedHat Summit LogoDevNation Logo Devoxx4Kids

~70 kids were sprawling in a part of the Hynes Convention Center in Boston last Sunday. They were invited by Red Hat to participate in a variety of workshops and get them introduced to technology in a fun way. The workshops were facilitated by Devoxx4Kids instructors and Red Hatters. This is right before the start of Red Hat Summit – a premier open source technology conference for the “big kids”.

The kids had an opportunity to learn the following technologies:

  • MIT App Inventor
  • Greenfoot
  • Minecraft Modding
  • Dr Racket
  • Scratch
  • Flappy Birds

The feedback from all the kids and parents have been very encouraging, and everybody seem to have a great time. Here are some pictures from the event:


Complete set of pictures are:

Number of emails exchanged with the team: Hundreds
Support from the team/instructors/volunteers to run the event: Invaluable
Flight got delayed, stayed up until 3:30 ensuring machines work: Tiring
Kids enjoyed learning how to build the games: Priceless

Overall, it has been quite a joyful and rewarding experience to promote STEM to elementary and middle school kids!

Running a Devoxx4Kids event as an ancillary to the main event is a great way to engage local community. Red Hat Summit is the fourth corporate event in the US (after OSCON 2nd year, JavaOne 2nd year, and Silicon Valley Code Camp) to partner with Devoxx4Kids and give back to the community. Let us know if your corporate event is interested in running a Devoxx4Kids workshop the weekend before/after the main event!


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