Eclipse Luna and JBoss Tools (Tech Tip #35)

Eclipse Luna (4.4) was released a few days ago, download it at the usual location: The big feature of course is full support for Java 8 but there are a tons of other features as listed here.

JBoss Tools is a set of plugins for Eclipse that complements, enhances and goes beyond the support that exists for JBoss and related technologies in the default Eclipse distribution. If you use JBoss Tools, then a compatible release is already available. Download 4.2.0 Beta 2 here.

The installation of the plugins is rather simple as shown on the web page:


After downloading, participate in the Community Acceptance Testing by following the instructions at What’s your incentive ?

  • JBoss Tools team will be paying close attention to the bugs filed by CAT members and ensuring they are responded/reacted to
  • Your name will be included in the JBoss Tools release notes
  • Help us decide if JBoss Tools is ready for release

I filed JBIDE-17773 and JBIDE-17774.

Also see the welcome message from Max Andersen (@maxandersen).

Looking forward to your bugs!

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3 thoughts on “Eclipse Luna and JBoss Tools (Tech Tip #35)

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  3. JBoss Tools is an umbrella project for a set of Eclipse plugins that includes support for JBoss and related Help With Assignment technologies, for example, Hibernate, JBoss AS/WildFly, CDI, OpenShift, Apache Camel, Red Hat JBoss Fuse, Docker, JSF, (X)HTML, Maven, Maven, and more.

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