We Are Hiring a Couchbase Developer Advocate

Couchbase, a leading, open source, NoSQL database company to power your Digital Economy, is hiring a Developer Advocate.

Apply now!

What is a Couchbase Developer Advocate?

Couchbase Developer Advocate helps other developers be effective users of NoSQL and Couchbase products.

What does a Developer Advocate do?

Developer Advocate role has become quite common for the past few years now, and here are some of the responsibilities:

  • Content is king! A Developer Advocate creates lots and lots of content. This could be blogs, samples, screencasts, webinars, tutorials, and a lot more. This helps you understand the product better, makes you genuine, builds credibility, and you also feel the developer pain points (and file them in issue tracker).
  • Try latest release of the product and create demos, samples and presentations explaining different features in simple terms
  • Actively write blogs and engage on social media (Twitter, Forums, etc)
  • Author books and articles on third-party websites
  • Prepare hands-on lab / workshops and deliver them
  • Work with multiple languages and frameworks
  • Work as a two-way channel, from inside the company to developers outside and vice versa
  • Speak at different events around the world
  • Constantly seek champions within community and encourage them to be advocate for your technology
  • Are, or become, thought leaders in their topic
  • We are all geeks at heart and like playing with technology

A Couchbase Developer Advocate will play all these roles.

Think of yourself as a swiss army knife that can play different roles at different times!

Developer Advocate

Does a Developer Advocate code?

Hell yeah!

One of the common myth about the role is that it does not involve coding.

Let me clarify that, at least at Couchbase, this is a very coding intensive role. We expect 50% of your time, may be more, will be spent creating top notch content that requires extensive coding and playing with the bleeding edge frameworks.

At Couchbase, some of these tasks are:

  • Try out a JavaScript framework and see how it integrates with Couchbase
  • Figure out how to make Couchbase work with a new application server
  • Investigate N1QL integration with any technology or framework that can produce JSON
  • Work with different cloud providers and show Couchbase hosting there
  • Show (or create) integration of Couchbase with different tools like NetBeans, Eclipse, and IntelliJ. Or Maven, Gradle, Ant, or whatever developers want to use.
  • Hack code or discuss architecture/design of the product with other engineers

And once the content is ready, then you spread the message around the world.

I’ve been building developer communities for 10+ years now, and to date its been a very satisfying and extremely joyful experience!

Why Couchbase is the right company?

NoSQL is going to be an essential component for companies going through Digital Transformation. The flexibility, scalability, agility, and performance offered by NoSQL database is not available in traditional and structured RBDMS.

Couchbase Logo

Couchbase 4.0, recently announced, is highly scalable and getting great enterprise adoption. With innovative features like N1QL and multi-dimensional scaling, we are very well positioned to significantly leapfrog competition in developer adoption.

This is a huge opportunity to join Couchbase, and shape the NoSQL industry for the years to come. Some more articles to help you validate this positioning:

  • NoSQL isn’t hip any more (InfoWorld)
  • How Couchbase is cranking up its developer appeal (ZDNet)
  • Couchbase Server 4.0 Significantly Expands Usecases with N1QL and Multi-Dimensional Scaling (Database Trends & Applications)
  • Couchbase Passes MongoDB in Functionality (Datanami)
  • Couchbase, Time to take a seat? (Constellation Research)


Overall, Couchbase Developer Advocate is going to help companies go through Digital Transformation and become an industry leader by working with the best in the industry.

So, don’t wait and apply for Couchbase Developer Advocate position today!

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