Ioannis Canellos: Fabric8 at DevNation 2014

Ioannis Canellos (@iocanel), Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat will be speaking at DevNation.


Here is what he had to say about his session …

What sessions are you giving at DevNation ?

  • Introduction to Fabric8, Sunday, 4/13, 2pm, Room 224
  • A Deep Dive to Fabric8, Sunday, 4/13, 3pm, Room 224

What are key takeaways from your session ?

  1. The first talk is going to be an introduction to Fabric8, that will help people to understand what this is all about.
  2. The second talk is going to be a dive into the more technical stuff, that will help people to understand how to get the most out of Fabric8.

What do you find most exciting about DevNation ?

People. I always find it awesome to talk with people from the “community” and also with people from other “communities” that are close to Fabric8.

Do you want to learn more about Fabric8 and how it makes to easily provision, configure and manage open source integration technologies on a number of containers (or JVMs). ?

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3 thoughts on “Ioannis Canellos: Fabric8 at DevNation 2014

  1. Dear Arun Gupta,
    is wery hard to find a good bash-shell book. If you write one it will be great to buy and read/use it.

  2. Dear Arun Gupta,
    I know only Adam Bieden and you az JavaEE 6,7 developer.It will great to use websocket with ADF. I don’t know it is only a big change on server side (because html,css,js) is far from PC, and the work for PC is slower with the this classic client-side?

  3. Gabor,

    I’ve used only ADF only once and that was not a very successful one 😉 This was about 3 years ago and the toolkit might have evolved but there are definitely much better options in the market such as Rich Faces or PrimeFaces. Take a look at them and IIRC they provide WebSocket integration already.

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