Meet Mike Milinkovich: Speaker at DevNation 2014

Mike Milinkovich (@mmilinkov), Executive Director of Eclipse Foundation will be speaking at DevNation.

Here is what he had to say about his sessions …

What sessions are you giving at DevNation ?

Browser-Based Development and the Internet of Things (Room 212)
Tuesday 4/15 @ 3:40pm

The Internet of Things is coming, and open source developer tools and frameworks are starting to take shape to support it. At Eclipse there is a vibrant community working on the protocols, runtimes, frameworks and tools for building IoT applications in languages such as Lua, JavaScript and Java. In this talk, I will be discussing some of these projects such as Paho (MQTT client), Mosquitto (MQTT broker), Kura (Java+OSGi device gateway framework), Mihini (Lua device gateway framework), and others. In addition, I will be using the Orion web-based development tool to demonstrate how you can use your browser to develop IoT applications right on your favorite open hardware device, whether it be a Raspberry Pi, Beagle Bone, or Arduino.

What are three takeaways from your session ?

  1. Open wins, and open technologies are going to win in the Internet of Things. The Eclipse Foundation is working hard to help make that happen.
  2. There is a very active community at the Eclipse Foundation building IoT technologies. And I do not mean Eclipse tools in the traditional sense. There are projects building IoT protocols, runtimes and frameworks in Lua, JavaScript and Java at the Eclipse community.
  3. These technologies are an enormous amount of fun. I am doing this talk largely because playing with these Eclipse IoT technologies on open hardware platforms has turned into a hobby and personal passion of mine.

What do you find most exciting about DevNation ?

Looks like an excellent line up of speakers, and it is great to see Red Hat get behind a pure developer conference for its community.

Do you want to learn more about Eclipse foundation is shaping up Internet of Things ?

Register for DevNation today! Early bird ends on Mar 14.

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