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August 10, 2009

“Miles to go” is 4 years old … yaay!

Categories: personal

Last week (Aug 2 to be precise), this blog turned 4 years old.

All the way from Hello Blogsphere more than 4 years ago to multiple tips, screencasts, deep dive technical entries, fun stuff, running tips and lots more … I’ve thoroughly enjoyed publishing content on this blog. Hope you did too :)

Here are some comparable statistics with blogs.sun.com …

blogs.sun.com Miles to go …
Age 5 yrs, 4 months 4 years and 1 week
First Entry Apr 27, 2004 Aug 2, 2005
Total Entries 138248 944 (0.68%)
Total Comments 156060 3537 (2.26%)

Some “Miles to go …” analytics …

  • 732,251 visits and 984,877 page views since Jan 5, 2007 according to Google Analytics
  • 21,862 cities from 211 countries according to Google Analytics. Surprisingly (pleasant) London is far exceeding other cities :)
  • 837,889 visits since Jun 12, 2006 according to clustrmaps
  • 63.04% is organic search (58.37% from Google, 2.54% from Yahoo), 23.66% from referring sites, 13.2% is direct traffic
  • 50% of the visits come from Firefox, 38% from IE
  • 80% from Windows, 10.04% from Macintosh, 7.74% from Linux

From 3rd birthday …

  • 287 blog entries & 1598 comments
  • Visitors from 12 new countries
  • 334,545 page visits & 427,352 page views

And here are some snapshots …

Visitors from all over the world …

Weekly page visits …

Here are the topics with more than 50 entries …

And now the complete tag cloud …

Now lets see if this blog ever reaches 1000th entry ;-)

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April 27, 2009

blogs.sun.com turns 5

Categories: personal

blogs.sun.com – the blogging server for Sun employees has been chugging along for 5 years today!

Congratulations to Linda and her team for running a stupendous show and providing all Sun employees with a great opportunity to engage with the community.

blogs.sun.com Miles to go …
Age 5 years 3 yrs, 8 months (73.3%)
First Entry Apr 27, 2004 Aug 2, 2005
Total Entries 132413 836 (0.6 %)
Total Comments 145899 3174 (2.2 %)
Total Bloggers 4385 1

Some Analytics of Miles to go … …

  • 633,614 visits and 871,737 page views since Jan 5, 2007 according to Google Analytics
  • 20,088 cities from 210 countries according to Google Analytics
  • 747,907 visits since Jun 12, 2006 according to clustrmaps

And here are some image snapshots …

And here are the topics on which I’ve blogged more than 50 entries:

I’d love to see similar statistics for blogs.sun.com :-)

Follow bsc5years for all similar entries!

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March 6, 2009

800th Blog Entry

Categories: personal

Do you know this blog has been read in 19,457 cities from 208 countries, has more than 25% repeat visitors, and close to 3000 comments ?

Now that’s nothing comparable to Scobleizer or TechCrunch but I’m still happy with the achievement :)

This is the 800th blog entry in little over 3.5 years and below are some statistics.

Before this blog is published, the following counter was shown in the top-right corner of the blog:

With this blog, the # of blog entries will now be incremented to 800.

Here are some charts generated by Google Analytics since Dec 2006:

And then a geographic distribution of visitors …

And the page views …

Here is another distribution (since Jun 2008) generated by clustrmaps:

Archived versions of Jun 2006 – Jun 2007 and Jun 2007- Jun 2008 are available. I really wish however there was a way to generate a consolidated map from all the years. It even features in top-1000 free users :)

Here is the tag cloud of entries:

As evident from the tag cloud, GlassFish (427), NetBeans (191), Web services (146), Ruby-on-Rails (128), and JRuby (107) are some of the prominent technologies featured so far.

And finally the top-25 entries:

Now the march towards 900th entry and finally completing a centennial … most likely this year :)

Technorati: blogs bsc googleanalytics milestogo clustrmaps

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January 5, 2009

TOTD #59: How to add Twitter feeds to blogs.sun.com ? + Other Twitter Tools

Categories: personal, totd

Twitter is a micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users’s updates which are text-based posts upto 140 characters in length. This Tip Of The Day will show how to add Twitter feeds to your blog but first some facts about Twitter:

The State of Twittersphere Q4 2008 was released recently (generated using Tweet Grader) and shows:

  • Total of 4-5 million users
  • 70% users joined in 2008, 20% joined in past 60 days, 5-10 new accounts/day (so mostly noobies)
  • Only 5% have 250 or more followers
  • Only 0.8% have 1000 or more followers
  • 35% tweeters have 10 or fewer followers
  • 9% tweeters follow no one at all

Here are Tweet Grader statistics generated for @arungupta:

Lets add twitter feeds to your blog:

  1. Go to twitter.com/widgets and select Other as shown below:

    It allows you to create Flash and HTML widgets for any web page. Twitter feeds can be directly added to some other popular social networking websites by selecting their option.

  2. Click on “Continue” and choose between Flash or HTML widget as shown below:

  3. Click on “Continue” and feel free to customize as shown below:

    “Number of updates” is the number of tweets that will be shown and title can be changed as well.

  4. For blogs.sun.com, this obtained code fragment can be easily added to “_sideColumn” template.

Here are some other nifty tools to manage your Twitter account:

  1. Twitterfeed: Twitter your blog entries
  2. Twitterank: Page rank for Tweeters (85.01 as of this writing, live here)
  3. Twinfluence: Combined influence of twitterers and followers (as of Jan 2)
  4. TwitterCounter: Widget that shows twitterer follower
  5. TwitterFox: Firefox extension that notifies of tweets (really sweet and lots of other related plugins)
  6. SocialToo: Manage online interactions of Twitter (surveys, auto-follow/unfollow, Direct Messages to new followers)
  7. TweetStats: Trends and analysis as shown below:

    Live stats for @arungupta are available here.

  8. TweetLater: Schedule tweets for a particular time/day and some other features similar to SocialToo (auto-follow/unfollow and DM to new followers)
  9. Easy Tweets: Schedule tweets in future, automatically post RSS feeds and other similar features

There are numerous other tools available to manage your Twitter account! What is your favorite ?

Please leave suggestions on other TOTD (Tip Of The Day) that you’d like to see. An archive of all the tips is available here.

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January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009!

Categories: personal

Wishing everybody a very happy and prosperous 2009!

With 275 total blog entries published during 2008 on this blog, 2008 was the most blogging-healthy year. Thanks to all the readers of this blog for a continually increased readership.

Here are some statistics for this blog for the year 2008 (2007 stats here) generated by Google Analytics:

2007 reported 183,031 visits and that shows upto 86% growth in page visits.

The average index is constantly over 2000 (again better than 2007). But there is a definite mismatch between numbers reported blogs.sun.com (powered by Roller) and Google Analytics. Unless the definition of “page views” is different, the numbers reported on this blog are constantly in the figure of 6-8K/day and Analytics report only in the vicinity of 2K.

Here is a geographic distribution of visitors:

And same data using ClustrMaps (from Jun 20, 2008 only):

Jun 2007 – Jun 2008 clustrmap is archived here.

Here is the tag cloud (including number of blog entries on each tag):

And finally here are the top-25 accessed blog entries:

Enjoy the new year eve celebrations all around the world:

Let 2009 bring peace and prosperity every where!

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November 3, 2008

Wordle: Word Cloud Applet

Categories: general

Wordle is pretty cool Applet (yeaaaah, still new ones are being developed ;-) that creates a word cloud from any RSS feed. I blog at blogs.sun.com and weblogs.java.net and most of the content is GlassFish-focused. Here are some wordles generated from my two feeds:

Once a wordle is generated, it can configured for different layout, font and color. Here are some more from “Miles to go” …

The corresponding tag cloud from the blog is given below:

The generated wordles do not seem to match the tag cloud (which is certainly more authoritative). For example, “NetBeans” is shown with much lesser intensity than “latitude” and “longitude”.

Anyway as evident from the wordles and tagcloud, GlassFish stands out very well – just like the product itself :)

And then couple of wordles from weblogs.java.net …

Here as well, This wordle is confusing because out of 517 blog entries, I’d guess 70-80% have GlassFish mentioned there. Even then “Mojarra” (JSF implementation from GlassFish community) is highlighted much more than GlassFish. Is that a bug ?

Wordles can be generated from random text or deli.icio.us tags as well. You can even see the word count and here is a sample:

But not sure how it generates them cause I’ve used the word “GlassFish” way more than 13 times just in subject!

Anyway, create your own and have fun!

Check out Alexis’s wordles as well.

Technorati: wordle applet glassfish milestogo blogging

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August 20, 2008

2000 comments on “Miles to go…”

Categories: general

This blog has now been commented (including trackbacks) 2000 times. Here are the statistics as of this morning:

With 671 entries, that makes it approx 3 comments/entry.

And the tag cloud showing the # of blog entries on each topic. GlassFish is certainly way above others :)

And finally a tool to evaluate blog worth:

weblogs.java.net/blog/arungupta blogs.sun.com/arungupta

My blog is worth $14,113.50.
How much is your blog worth?

My blog is worth $64,357.56.
How much is your blog worth?

“Miles to go” worth has gone up 57 times since it’s last evaluation in Mar 2007. The java.net blog worth is still the same which makes me doubt the mechanics to measure the worth!

Learn more about how this blog has grown here.

There are still many more miles to go …

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August 6, 2008

“Miles to go …” 3 years old

Categories: personal

3 years and 4 days ago Hello Blogsphere! was the first entry on “Miles to go …” (this blog).

657 entries & 1939 comments later, here are some stats after Google Analytics was enabled on Jan 4, 2007.

A steady growth of visitors in past 18 months …

A World map overlay showing visitors country …

And a different perspective of countries …

Here is some data generated by Clustrmap from Jun 2007 – Jun 2007 …

And then for Jun 2007 – Jun 2008 …

And now the top rated content …

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May 13, 2008

“Miles to go …” in Japanese

Categories: general

GlassFish Globalization team in Japan has started translating some of my blogs (on reader’s request basis) in Japanese. The first installment is now live on GlassFish Wiki.

It’s interesting to see that the first two translated entries are on Ruby-on-Rails. As of this morning, there are 71 blog entries on Ruby-on-Rails. Send  if you are interested in translation of other entries. Alternatively, you can edit the wiki and create a new entry in “Wishlist” section.

Let me know if you have suggestions on the type of GlassFish content that you’d like to see on this blog.

Feel free to create translation in a different language and drop a comment here.

Technorati: japanese blog translation rubyonrails milestogo

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July 16, 2007

Blog in top 3 today

Categories: personal

My blog (Miles to go …) is at third position in hot blogs today, how cool is that ?

Thanks to all of you and please continue suggesting more topics on which you’d like to see entries.

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