Tag Archives: weekly

Couchbase Weekly, Feb 29, 2016

Learn what’s latest in the Couchbase Community.
Couchbase Developer Community

Let us know if we missed anything at @couchbasedev, @couchbase or #Couchbase.

Couchbase Weekly

  • March 3: Voxxed Days, Zurich
  • Couchbase Meetup is happening today! Learn more about Mobile at the Couchbase Paris Meetup.

Couchbase Weekly

Media Mentions

  • Telegraph UK: Nine ways tech will change businesses in 2016
  • DZone: Spring Data Couchbase 2 is Out! Quick Getting Started With Spring Initializr
  • InfoWorld: Java 9 to address GTK pains on Linux
  • RCR Wireless: Mobile fraud — are the new attack frontiers really invisible?
  • Computing UK: Nielsen picks ‘more mature’ Couchbase over MongoDB for document store
  • InfoWorld: Couchbase 4.0 review: The Swiss Army knife of NoSQL
  • App Developer Magazine: New Couchbase Mobile Database Platform Adds Updated Security for Apps


  • Couchbase Server 4.5 DP hangout — Matthew Revell
  • Get to Know Our Couchbase Community — Meet Andy Kruth — Laura Czajkowski
  • Storing Base64 Files Directly in Couchbase via Node.js — Nic Raboy
  • Couchbase on Kubernetes — Arun Gupta
  • Docker Installation Scripts – CLI, Machine, Compose, Version Manager — Arun Gupta
  • The Couchbase Sub-Document API for Go — Todd Greenstein
  • Couchbase Docker Container — Arun Gupta
  • Load Nested Models With Ottoman When A Parent Model Is Found In Node.js — Nic Raboy
  • Using the Sub-Document API to get (only) what you want — Mark Nunberg
  • Couchbase 4.5 Developer Preview Now Available! — Arun Gupta
  • Full Text Search in Couchbase 4.5 Developer Preview — Laurent Doguin, Will Gardella
  • Preview of Full Text Search in Couchbase using the Java SDK — Simon Baslé
  • Sub-documents: find and change only what you need — Matthew Revell
  • Introducing Couchbase Server 4.5 Developer Preview — Don Pinto
  • NDP Episode #2: NoSQL and Where It’s Used — Nic Raboy
  • Moving from Oracle to Couchbase — Nic Raboy
  • Vaadin/Couchbase CRUD Sample — Laurent Doguin
  • Spring Data Couchbase 2 is out! Quick getting started with Spring Initializr — Laurent Doguin
  • Moving from MongoDB to Couchbase Server — Matthew Revell
  • Couchbase Weekly Feb 15 2016 — Arun Gupta

Couchbase Weekly 3

Upcoming Events

  • February 29: Couchbase Paris
  • March 3: Voxxed Days, Zurich
  • March 7 – 8: Big Data Paris, Paris
  • March 8: Couchbase Day Philadelphia
  • March 8: Couchbase Day Phoenix
  • March 11 – 12: SF Droidcon
  • March 11: Couchbase Day Toronto
  • March 15: Couchbase Day Waltham
  • March 16: Couchbase Day London


  • March 24: How to leverage NoSQL to deliver great eCommerce customer experiences (EMEA)
  • March 24: How to leverage NoSQL to deliver great eCommerce customer experiences (US)


  • Enterprises like Cisco & Marriott are modernizing their legacy systems with #Couchbase #NoSQL. Why? ow.ly/YvENp
  • #Couchbase Server 4.5 Developer Preview is ready! Built-in query editor & schema browser, full-text search, and more http://ow.ly/YTsz4
  • Enterprises like Nielsen are picking #Couchbase the “more mature” database over #MongoDB for document store: http://ow.ly/YrrR3 #NoSQL
  • Learn how #Couchbase customers deploy #NoSQL at the enterprise level for maxium performance and reliability: http://ow.ly/Yv925
  • Get professional advice from the #Couchbase services team on everything from #JSON modeling to using #SQL for #NoSQL: http://ow.ly/XSFyr

Source: http://blog.couchbase.com/2016/february/couchbase-weekly-feb-29-2016

Couchbase Weekly, Feb 15, 2016

Learn what’s latest in the Couchbase Community.
Couchbase Developer Community

Let us know if we missed anything at @couchbasedev, @couchbase or #Couchbase.

Couchbase Weekly

  • Today through February 17, Couchbase is sponsoring DevNexus 2016 in Atlanta
  • Couchbase Meetup is happening tomorrow! Join the team at HQ for the Couchbase Silicon Valley Meetup.
  • Couchbase at Silicon Valley Java User Group on Feb 17th

Couchbase Weekly

Media Mentions

  • DZone: NetBeans Plugin for Couchbase Part 2 — Coffee on Couchbase
  • Computer Business Review: Turning Big Data into Big Value
  • Fortune: The Good News Is a Huge Company Just Bought Your Favorite App 
  • SearchCloudApplications: Parse shutdown: Alternatives are asking for your business
  • Digital Journal: Global NoSQL Market Driven by Rapid Generation of Large Amounts of Data


  • SDK-RFCs: Open Commentary on Sub-Document and Index Management
  • NetBeans Plugin for Couchbase Part 3 – Coffee on Couchbase — Arun Gupta
  • Announcing Spring Data Couchbase 2.0 RELEASE — Simon Baslé
  • Migrating from Parse to Couchbase Mobile — William Hoang
  • Couchbase Weekly Feb 8, 2016 — Arun Gupta
  • Couchbase is taking part in Jfokus — Laura Czajkowski
  • Couchbase Mobile 1.2: Enabling ForestDB for iOS and Android — William Hoang
  • Moving data from Oracle to Couchbase — Manual Hurtado

Couchbase Weekly 3

Upcoming Events

  • February 15 – 17: DevNexus 2016, Atlanta
  • February 16: Couchbase Silicon Valley
  • Feb 17, Silicon Valley JUG
  • February 25: Voxxed Days, Bristol
  • February 18: Couchbase Day Seattle
  • February 18: Couchbase Day Reston
  • February 22: Couchbase Day New York
  • February 24: Couchbase Day Vancouver
  • February 24: Couchbase Day Raleigh
  • February 29: Inmarsat Developer Conference, London


5-part webinar series for building a fullstack application using the CEAN stack — for EMEA series see here, for US series see here.

  • 201: Bootstrapping an application using the CEAN stack
  • 202: Application logic, data model, and validation
  • 203: Build a responsive front end with Angular & Bootstrap
  • 204: Built-in URL permalinking & minification
  • 205: Mobile-first development with NativeScript

February 25: From MongoDB to Couchbase: How Gannett and Others Made the Switch (US)
February 25: From MongoDB to Couchbase: How Gannett and Others Made the Switch (EMEA)


  • High performance distributed caching: #Couchbase scales your #mobile #web #IoT apps. Learn how: ow.ly/XVuMP
  • #Couchbase Mobile 1.2 rolls out enterprise grade enhancements including improved security & performance: http://ow.ly/Y5sRH
  • Read the top 10 #NoSQL enterprise use cases http://ow.ly/Y5C30 #couchbase #database
  • Read this step-by-step demo and learn how to move data from #Oracle to #Couchbase: http://ow.ly/Y9zu3
  • Only #Couchbase can support the complexity & scale of today’s #BigData. Learn why enterprises are moving off RDBMS http://ow.ly/XPExv

Originally posted at: blog.couchbase.com/2016/february/couchbase-weekly-feb15-2016

Couchbase Weekly Feb 1, 2016

Learn what’s latest in the Couchbase Community.
Couchbase Developer Community

Let us know if we missed anything at @couchbasedev, @couchbase or #Couchbase.

Couchbase Weekly

  • February 4: Couchbase Day Santa Monica

Couchbase Weekly

Press Releases

  • Couchbase Supports @WalmartLab’s Release of OneOps Cloud Management to Open Source Community
    Move to open source enables any organization to run Couchbase and other technologies in the cloud with easy portability and best-in-class management tools
  • 2015 Marks Another Outstanding Year of Innovation and Growth for Couchbase
    Couchbase increasingly selected as the database to power companies in the Digital Economy

Media Mentions

  • LinuxInsider: Walmart Opens OneOps Cloud Management to the Masses
  • ChannelWorld (India): Couchbase: Accelerating Productivity by Removing Impedance Mismatch 
  • WSJ’s The Morning Download: The Morning Download:  Cloud, Once an Adjunct to Data Center, Now Drives Corporate IT
  • Ars Technica: A New Open Source Cloud Management Tool… from Walmart
  • Cloud Pro (UK):Walmart’s OneOps Cloud Management Now Available on GitHub
  • EFY Times: OneOPS, an Open Source Platform by Walmart
  • Leader Call: Walmart Open Sources Its OneOps Technology 
  • ProgrammableWeb: WalmartLabs Releases OneOps Cloud and Application Lifecycle Management Platform as Open Source
  • DZone: Reporting JSON Data with Couchbase and PowerBI
  • NewsFactor Network: Walmart Open Sources Its OneOps Cloud Platform
  • Transparency Market Research Press Release: Global NoSQL Market Driven by Rapid Generation of Large Amounts of Data
  • TechCrunch: Walmart Launches OneOps, an Open-Source Cloud and Application Lifecycle Management Platform 
  • CIO: Walmart Open-Sources OneOps to Free You from Cloud Lock-in
  • GeekWire: Ignition Partners Invests in Docker’s Series D Round, which Valued Company at $1B
  • ComputerWeekly (UK): Getting Dirty with Open Source Databases
  • Voice&Data (IN): “ALTEN Calsoft Labs Is in a Very Good Position to Help Indian Startups Develop Their Business”
  • 451 Research: NoSQL Analytics Market Looks Ripe for Acquisitions


  • Talking Beacons, IoT, P2P and Couchbase Mobile — Laurent Doguin
  • NetBeans Plugin for Couchbase Part 2 – Coffee on Couchbase — Arun Gupta
  • Migrating from Parse to Couchbase Mobile — William Hoang
  • Why is Couchbase Mobile a Great Solution for Modern App Development? — Nic Raboy
  • Anti-Virus False Alarms and Couchbase — Don Pinto
  • I use Parse. They’re shutting down. What should I do? — Wayne Carter
  • Couchbase is at FOSDEM — Laura Czajkowski
  • How to use Channels in Sync Gateway — William Hoang
  • Create a Desktop Chat Application using the CEAN Stack and Electron — Nic Raboy
  • Couchbase Weekly Jan 25, 2016 — Arun Gupta
  • Moving SQL business logic to the Application Layer — Laurent Doguin
  • Locating cbq — Matthew Revell
  • 20 ways to connect with Couchbase Community — Arun Gupta
  • Moving SQL database content to Couchbase — Laurent Doguin
  • How to Validate Document Types in Sync Gateway — William Hoang

Couchbase Weekly 3

Upcoming Events

  • February 4: Couchbase Day Santa Monica
  • February 8 – 10: Jfokus, Stockholm
  • February 15 – 17: DevNexus 2016, Stockholm
  • February 18: Couchbase Day Seattle
  • February 18: Couchbase Day Reston
  • February 22: Couchbase Day New York


5-part webinar series for building a fullstack application using the CEAN stack — for EMEA series see here, for US series see here.

201: Bootstrapping an application using the CEAN stack
202: Application logic, data model, and validation
203: Build a responsive front end with Angular & Bootstrap
204: Built-in URL permalinking & minification
205: Mobile-first development with NativeScript

Couchbase Meetups

  • February 18: Couchbase Silicon Valley

Other People Meetups (OPMs)

  • February 10: JavaMug, Dallas
  • February 12: UmeJUG, Sweden


  • Facebook #Parse calls it quits leaving 600K #developers with one question – whats next? #Couchbase Mobile http://ow.ly/XMrEV
  • Amadeus and Google use #Couchbase to maximize throughput for 1500 cores in 3 data centers spanning US, Europe & Asia ow.ly/XodDO
  • Configure #Simba and #Couchbase to directly execute schemaless #N1QL queries #SQL for #JSON http://ow.ly/WZemi
  • Walmart extends its leadership in the #DigitalEconomy releasing their OneOps cloud management tool http://ow.ly/XyCSx #opensource
  • In 2015, #Couchbase continued to lead the #NoSQL market in product innovation and nearly doubled sales http://ow.ly/XyWdq 

Originally posted at: blog.couchbase.com/2016/february/couchbase-weekly-feb1-2016

Couchbase Weekly Jan 25, 2016

Starting a new weekly blog to share all the cool things that are happening in the Couchbase Community.

Let us know if we missed anything at @couchbasedev, @couchbase or #Couchbase.

Couchbase Weekly

Transition from Relational to NoSQL

  • January 28: Moving from Relational to NoSQL: How to Get Started (EMEA)
  • January 28: Moving from Relational to NoSQL: How to Get Started (US)

Couchbase Weekly


  • InfoQ: Getting Ready for IoT’s Big Data Challenges with Couchbase Mobile
  • TechBeacon: Mobile Dev 2016: Hot Technologies, Dangerous Assumptions
  • ComputerWeekly (UK): Take Care When Reaping Rewards of Open Source
  • DZone: JSON Gene in SQL: How SQL Extensions are Helping SQL Adapt to Flexibility of JSON 
  • Globes (Israel): Israel’s Redis Labs Rides the Database Wave 
  • DZone: Contributing to Open Source Projects and Code 
  • DZone: A Primer on Open-Source NoSQL Databases 
  • IoT Journal: IoT News Roundup 
  • EnterpriseTech: How NoSQL Maximizes Hardware and Enables Scale like We’ve Never Seen
  • Application Development Trends: Oracle Named DBMS of the Year 2015
  • DZone: Query JSON Using SQL with Couchbase Query Workbench 
  • Information Management: Data in 2016: 10 Shocking & Surprising Takes


  • Moving SQL database content to Couchbase — Laurent Doguin
  • PowerBI & Couchbase Server 4 – Reporting over JSON Data with native connectivity through N1QL REST API — Cihan Biyikoglu
  • JSON+SQL: How SQL Extensions are Helping SQL Adapt to Flexibility of JSON — Cihan Biyikoglu
  • How to Authorize Users in Sync Gateway— William Hoang
  • Create an AngularJS Web Application that Sync’s with Couchbase using PouchDB — Nic Raboy
  • NetBeans Plugin for Couchbase Part 1 – Coffee on Couchbase — Arun Gupta
  • NDP Episode #1: NoSQL in the Perspective of Industry Leaders — Nic Raboy
  • Couchbase and Apache CouchDB compared — Matthew Revell
  • How to: Create a copy of your bucket with a single statement. — Cihan Biyikoglu
  • Augment your Sync Function with Roles in Couchbase Sync Gateway — James Nocentini
  • Couchbase .NET SDK 2.2.4 now Available! — Jeff Morris
  • Test the Latest Couchbase Features with a Docker Image — Laurent Doguin
  • Query JSON using SQL with Couchbase Query Workbench – Coffee on Couchbase — Arun Gupta
  • Dealing with cultural divide and advocating your team internally at NDC London — Laura Czajkowski
  • Storing Blobs in Couchbase for Content Management — Cecile Le Pape

Couchbase Weekly 3

Upcoming Events

  • January 30 – 31: FOSDEM, Belgium
  • February 4: Couchbase Day Santa Monica
  • February 8 – 10: Jfokus, Stockholm
  • Feb 15 – 17: DevNexus, Atlanta
  • February 18: Couchbase Day Seattle
  • February 18: Couchbase Day Reston


  • January 28: Moving from Relational to NoSQL: How to Get Started (EMEA)
  • January 28: Moving from Relational to NoSQL: How to Get Started (US)

Couchbase Meetups

  • January 27: Couchbase Meetup — Paris

Other People Meetups (OPMs)

  • February 10: JavaMug, Dallas
  • February 12: UmeJUG, Sweden


  • Learn how Amadeus, Google and Couchbase took on the 1,500 cores challenge across 3 data centers http://ow.ly/XtUkP
  • Only #Couchbase can support the complexity and scale of today’s #BigData. Learn why enterprises are moving off RDBMS http://ow.ly/XcMJB
  • #Couchbase is hiring — join the team and transform the #database world. #BigData #NoSQL #Startup: http://ow.ly/WYBpp
  • Enterprise #NoSQL adoption is growing & companies are paying great salaries to #developers that know #Couchbase: http://ow.ly/WLqqr
  • Discover how #Couchbase will disrupt #BigData in 2016 – more enterprises are replatforming their systems to #NoSQL http://ow.ly/WCXDr 

Originally posted at: blog.couchbase.com/2016/january/couchbase-weekly-jan25-2016