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June 26, 2009

supercrud.com in Brazil picked GlassFish – Find out why!

Categories: general

Vinicius Senger, founder of Globalcode – a Java training/consulting company in Brazil, is running supercrud.com on GlassFish.

He is a Java EE architect, consultant, trainer, and do Java EE related research as well. He is a JSF 2 Expert Group member, find NetBeans and GlassFish integration amazing and feels its getting better all the time. He runs supercrud.com on GlassFish. The reasons to pick GlassFish:

  • Much easier to install
  • Easy to manage (data sources, EJBs, redeployments) using web-based administration console
  • Don’t use clustering today but know it’s another good feature

He is seeing lot of Brazilian companies and developers moving to GlassFish because it’s

  • Faster
  • More modular
  • Faster redeployment
  • Better integration with NetBeans/Eclipse

Hear the short interview recorded at FISL earlier this week:

A formal production story will be published soon as well. Thanks Vinicius for the interview!

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FISL Day 2 in Pictures & Videos

Categories: general

Continuing from FISL Day 1 …

Here is a video of the ever excited Brazilian community for soccer balls in the pavilion:

If you didn’t get a soccer ball, come by at the Sun booth tomorrow and make sure to practice like the folks below:

The day ended with a nice soccer match between Internacional and LDU Quito from Ecuador at Beira Rio stadium. Feel the enthusiasm in the video below:

We kept waiting for Internacional to score but guess it was not there day and they lost 1-0 :(

On to Day 3 in couple of hours ….

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June 24, 2009

FISL 2009 Day 1 Report

Categories: general

I presented on “Creating powerful web applications using GlassFish, MySQL and NetBeans/Eclipse” as the first talk of FISL 10 yesterday. The room was only partial full being the first talk of FISL but got packed towards the middle so that was exciting. The slides are available here.

The key message is that NetBeans and Eclipse provide a seamless development/deployment environment for GlassFish.

The several demos shown in the talk are explained at:

  • CRUD operations using NetBeans, JPA and MySQL
  • Publish MySQL Table as a RESTful Web service
  • Develop, Deploy and Debug Rails Application on GlassFish using NetBeans
  • GlassFish Tools Bundle for Eclipse
  • End-to-end problem solving using GlassFish v3 + MySQL DTrace probes
  • GlassFish Price/Performance Advantage

And you can find a lot more information on the Portuguese TheAquarium.

The soccer balls at the Sun booth in the pavilion were quite a hit as evident by the video below:

Come by again at Sun booth until the end of conference to get one for yourself :)

There were booths from Debian, Gnome, Firefox, Fedora and a host of other open source projects. There were community booths from local Java User Groups, Linux User Group, Open Solaris User Group and similar efforts. Some government and financial companies that heavily use/promote open source products were also present. And then there were other commercial vendors as well!

Some attendees were playing musical instruments to the local tunes which added to the festive atmosphere in the exhibitor floor. Enjoy the video below:

The day ended with great food at Na Brasa Churrascaria, love the caipirinhas!

Here are some pictures from Day 1:

This is the 10th anniversary of FISL and so here is the timline over the past years as shown in the exhibitor pavilion:

="" src="http://lh3.ggpht.com/_wIoV5EX5M-0/SkJz6vfCl_I/AAAAAAAASwU/K5oZB9o0ec8/s72/IMG_5752.JPG">

And the evolving album:

See you in few hours at the FISL.

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June 23, 2009

Javali 2009 Trip Report

Categories: general

I, along with several other speakers, presented at Javali (an ancillary event of FISL) earlier today. The event was sponsored by Sun Microsystems. Many thanks to Sou Java and RS JUG for organizing the event and thanks to Serpro for hosting the event.

There were several speakers from different companies making the event a good mix.

I presented on Java EE 6, showed GlassFish Tools Bundle for Eclipse and gave a brief overview of some of the enterprise features of GlassFish.

The Java EE 6 focuses on making the platform more powerful and adding more flexibility. The power is added by revamping several existing specifications such as Servlet 3.0 and Java Server Faces 2.0. The flexibility is incoporated by several mechanisms. The first is the ability to define a profile targeted at a particular bundle of technologies, such as Web profile defined by the JSR 316 EG (more details). Secondly, some of the existing specifications that are not widely used, such as JAX-RPC or JAXR, now can be pruned from the platform. And lastly third-party libraries can be easily registered using “web-fragment.xml” (more details). All these together make the entire platform really powerful and flexible.

The GlassFish Tools Bundle for Eclipse provide an integrated bundle based on Eclipse Ganymede 3.4.2 with GlassFish v2.1 and v3 integrated and pre-configured. These bits can also be installed on Eclipse Galileo (to be released soon) as a separate plugin. The features like Deploy-on-save and Session-preservation boosts the productivity tremendously allowing the developer to focus on business logic. Screencast #28 shows more details how to easily get started.

The enterprise features of GlassFish covered were:

  • SOAP & RESTful Web services
  • Dynamic Languages & Web Frameworks
  • GlassFish High Availability & Clustering
  • GlassFish Enterprise Manager

There were approximately 50 attendees physically present in the room but many others in the mutliple video conference rooms and on the Internet. Bruno told me that there were 92 viewers on the public Internet and 132 within Serpro after my talk, so that’s cool :) The slides presented are available here (Java EE 6) and here (Enterprise Features).

Brian Leonard’s talk on “Developing beyond localhost” showed practical strategies of taking an application developed on the localhost and ensuring it works in the deployed environment. The basic strategy was WOTE (Write Once Test Everywhere) for any application developed within an IDE. He showed how to create a JNLP of a web application and deploy on GlassFish Web Stack. Some of the common mistakes like local filesystem URLs and database URLs can be easily diagnosed by testing the application using multiple Virtual Box images.

Roger Brinkley’s talk on Mobile and Embedded is always fun. He basically talked about updates happened within that community in past one year. I caught up only during the last part where he showed a demo of Sensor Motor Gloves created by the community, the video is available below:

Fabiane’s talk on Continuous Integration with Hudson showed how to setup and configure Hudson. The cool part was the sunspot integration where a build failure lights up the LEDs on a sunspot device.

Pat Patterson’s talk on “Securing RESTful Web services using Open SSO” gave an overview of the Open SSO community. He then explained the purpose of OAuth and how it’s integrated in OpenSSO using Jersey extensions.

Met Campus Ambassadors from Porto Alegre and Sao Paolo which is always refreshing.

Talked to Vinicius Senger who is a Java EE architect and runs supercrud.com. This website allows you to create an online application domain model and then generate templates for different technologies such as Java Server Faces, JPA, Spring/Hibernate, and others. The website is running on GlassFish and more details on why he picked GlassFish instead of JBoss will be available in a formal GlassFish story, thanks Vinicius! I recorded a short interview that will be published this week as well.

There were other Portuguese speakers who were able to connect with the audience much better ;-)

Bruno and Mauricio played an excellent role of translating from English -> Portuguese for the local audience, thanks!

The day ended with a great pizza party with interesting toppings like corn/onion, banana, chocolate and others too :)

Here are some pictures from the past couple of days:

And the evolving album:

See you tomorrow morning at 9am/40T in “Creating Quick and Powerful Web Applications with MySQL, GlassFish, and NetBeans/Eclipse” talk at FISL.

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June 20, 2009

ClustrMaps Archive – Jun 20, 2009

Categories: general

The clustrmaps on this blog are scheduled to be archived sometime around today. And so here is a snapshot of visitors to this blog from Jun 20, 2008.

The legend is:

And here is the same map with smaller clusters:

The entries tagged milestogo show other similar statistics.

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June 19, 2009

GlassFish Fans in Minnesota

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I received the following photographs from a GlassFish Fan (aka Ben Leadholm) in Minnesota.

And here is a picture of his daughter, Rachel, sporting the fancy GlassFish tattoo:

Thanks Ben and Rachel for promoting/using GlassFish and sharing the pictures!

Do you have any similar pictures ? Send me an email arun dot gupta at sun dot com and will be happy to share them with others.

The GlassFish number plates and Tattoos (and much more) were distributed at the recently concluded JavaOne 2009.

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June 17, 2009

GlassFish swimming to FISL, Brazil

Categories: general

FISL stands for “Forum Internacional Software Livre” in the Portuguese language and means “International Free Software Forum” in the English language. The punch line is “A technologia que liberta” and means “The technology that liberates”.

This is the biggest event about free software in America and was attended by 7417 participants in 2008.

Just like “Freedom of Speech” is a basic human right, “Freedom of Software” is a basic right for the technology evolution. GlassFish gives you the freedom:

  • To Pick your own framework: Java EE, Ruby-on-Rails, Python/Django, Groovy/Grails, or any other
  • Choose your IDE: NetBeans, Eclipse, IntelliJ and others.
  • Over properietary Application Servers by providing highly reliable and production quality features like
    • Clustering/Load balancing
    • Secure, Reliable, and Transactional, and .NET-interoperable Web services stack (Metro)
    • Easy-to-use web-based administration console along with a powerful CLI

    in an open source world.

  • Offers dual open-source license (CDDL or GPL v2 w/ CPE)

Similarly NetBeans allows you to create Java, Ruby, Python, Groovy, PHP, C/C++, JavaScript, Java EE, Mobile, REST/SOAP, and a variety of applications. Eclipse also provides an open development platform comprised of extensible frameworks, tools and runtimes for building, deploying and managing software across the lifecycle. MySQL is the world’s most popular open source database.

Together, GlassFish, NetBeans/Eclipse, and MySQL liberates you from the vendor lock-in by offering you a compelling choice.

At FISL 10, learn how GlassFish, NetBeans/Eclipse, and MySQL provide a powerful feature-rich yet easy to use platform for developing/deploying your web applications. The complete details about the session are available here. I plan to show multiple demos during the talk that you may find useful in your regular work.

Where ? Porto Alegre, Brazil
When ? Jun 24-27, 2009

Click on the map below for coordinates of the venue:

Join the Facebook Group or follow on Twitter @fisl10.

Close to 6000 attendees have registered for FISL so far and am definitely looking forward to feel/enjoy the Brazilian spirit.

To Brazil, Capirinhas, Guaranas, Churascarias, Beaches … La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La

Drop a comment if you are interested in a meal or run together :)

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June 15, 2009

Cognizant likes Simplicity, Easy management, and Lightweightness of GlassFish

Categories: general

Cognizant is system integrator combining onsite/offshore delivery model to achieve customer satisfaction. They’ve started using GlassFish within their internal “Cognizant Java Community” and also recommeding it to their clients as opposed to “established App Servers”.

Why GlassFish ? Because of its “Simplicity, Easy management, and Lightweightness”. And they are not disappointed at all.

Learn more about it in this video:

Thanks to Dr B V Kumar for the quick story!  Check out other GlassFish Production Stories.

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June 12, 2009

OKTECH – Hungarian consulting company using GlassFish for 4 years

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OKTECH is a Hungarian consuting company and one of the earliest adopters of GlassFish. They use it for their internal company related information and for external production with US business as well.

Why GlassFish ? Because its “Open source, pretty good quality, and performs well”. One word describes NetBeans and GlassFish integration for them: “Perfect”.

Learn more about it in this video:

Thanks to Istvaan Soos for the quick story! Check out other GlassFish Production Stories.

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June 11, 2009

University of Utah – Ported 60 applications from Weblogic to GlassFish

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The University of Utah ported 60 applications from Weblogic to GlassFish and very happy with it. They like the clustering and failover capability, integrated NetBeans development environment, and are using EJBs, Java Server Faces and a slew of other technologies.

Learn more about it in this video:

Thanks to Tim Richardson for the quick story! Check out other GlassFish Production Stories.

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