December 19, 2006

Running San Francisco Marathon 2007

Categories: marathons, running

As if one marathon was not enough, I registered for San Francisco Marathon scheduled for Jul 29, 2007. I was thinking of delaying the the registration a few days but Tier 1 is already sold out and I don’t want to miss out the option of running on Golden Gate Bridge, yet again. After all, San Francisco is #1 running city.

15,000 runners are expected . The first half is always the fun part and there are cheer stations and music stations planned almost each mile during the second half. I plan to start practice next month and I’ll definitely need to practice lots of hill runs. From my previous half marathon experience, miles 10-12 were really steep. The course description gives you an idea of all the beautiful landmarks (Fishermans’s Wharf, San Francisco Bay, Marina, Presidio, Golden Gate Park and many others) crossed during the run, well it’s 26.2 miles so gotta cover good part of the city :)

And I found a buddy at work who has done multiple Boston Marathon and a PR of 2:28. This is going to be fun!

Check out the holiday survival guide to watch those extra pounds and squeezing your runs to survive this merry season.

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Related posts:
  1. Running San Francisco Marathon 2008
  2. Completed San Francisco Marathon 2007
  3. Running Pet Peeves – Running San Francisco Marathon 2009 First 1/2
  4. San Francisco Half Marathon 2009 Completed – Personal Best so far!
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  1. Summertime and Hills….. certainly going to be a hard one to beat ;)
    Wish you the best. I just stopped by at your site via google blogs.
    Greetings from Hamburg in Germany,

    Comment by carlos — December 19, 2006 @ 10:32 pm

  2. [Trackback] In my previous Web 2.0-related blogs, I talked about What is Web 2.0 ?, What is AJAX ? and AJAX: jMaki Framework. Switching gears, this blog will talk about another technology that enable the principles of Web 2.0, i.e….

    Comment by Arun Gupta's Blog — December 20, 2006 @ 10:01 am

  3. yep, I did half marathon last year on the same course.

    Comment by Arun — December 22, 2006 @ 1:54 am

  4. Summertime and Hills….. certainly going to be a hard one to beat ;) Wish you the best. I just stopped by at your site via google blogs. Greetings from Hamburg in Germany

    Comment by LAPTOP BATTERY — November 26, 2008 @ 8:30 pm

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