April 15, 2007

Week 9 Mileage – PR on Rancho

Categories: running

Mon: Rest
Tue: 8.5 miles
Wed: 7 miles
Thu: 7 miles
Fri: 5 miles
Sat: 5 miles
Sun: 9 miles

I did Rancho PG&E this morning with 48:40 going up (starting from the first parking lot) and a total timing of 1:19:23 (stopping at second parking lot). I started slow and wasn’t very happy with my performance but guess my clock showed otherwise :) But I definitely need to do it more often in order to be prepared for the upcoming marathon.

And BTW, this was my first 40 mile week :)

Here are the interesting reads of this time …

  • Boston Course Tips – Mile-by-mile guide to the Boston marathon course.
  • Are you drinking too much water ? – Also read my previous post on this (includes hydration guidelines from USA Track & Field)

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Related posts:
  1. Week 10 Mileage – Improved PR on Rancho
  2. Week 8 Mileage
  3. Week 23 – Improved PR on Rancho by > 2 minutes
  4. Week 12 Mileage – JavaOne Adrenaline
  5. Week 17 Mileage

1 Comment »

  1. wow! Rancho! I love that place. You should try Wildcat trail. It’s good too

    Comment by linh — May 5, 2007 @ 1:08 am

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