July 14, 2007

Running Gospels from “Saint Ralph”

Categories: running

I watched Saint Ralph recently, an absolutely wonderful movie. The movie is set in 1954 and about how 14-year old Ralph Walker believes winning Boston Marathon will be a miracle and bring his mother out of coma. If you are a runner, this is a really good one to watch. Here are some of the quotes from the movie

  • "Unlike other events in running, the marathon is ultimate test of fortitude. Therefore, once the decision to run has been made dedication is paramount."
  • "Especially when your legs ache from training, putting in the miles is essential to self-improvement."
  • "In running, you can never recover. You can redline all you want but never go past the breaking point until the final sprint."
  • "As the race approaches it is paramount that all distractions disappear. It’s equally important that all doubts be cast aside. Remember, the marathon is not without adversity, not without pain."
  • "The more pain I can take, the better runner I’ll be."

And some simple lessons:

  • Stay on pace.
  • Don’t get caught up into surges.
  • Don’t go into oxygen debt, breathe.
  • Use your arms, relax your arms.
  • More tension makes your steps shorter.

And the best one I liked:

  • "To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield" from Ulysses

Watch a trailer of the movie


And then the last minutes of miracle marathon:

Another one of my favorite is Chariots of Fire.

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