Miles to go …

September 11, 2008

Kenai – High Throughput and Scalable Rails on GlassFish

Filed under: web2.0 — arungupta @ 4:00 am

Kenai (pronounced ‘keen-eye’) is a fictional character from Disney’s Brother Bear series. It’s also a river, mountain range, national park, peninsula and a city in the southern coast of Alaska in the United States. But that’s got nothing to do (as much as I know) with either Rails or GlassFish.

But Project Kenai was announced last week. It’s a developer hub with SCM, issue tracking, forums and similar stuff you need for hosting your open source projects. And it is a Rails application deployed on GlassFish v2. 

Read all about it in an interview with the lead developer Nick Sieger. Fernando gave a great overview (slides here), with excellent tuning tips for Rails on GlassFish, in Rails Conf Europe last week.

Other Rails on GlassFish success stories are described here.

And if you want, enjoy this beautiful video of Kenai National Wildlife Refuge.

Technorati: rubyonrails jruby ruby glassfish stories kenai

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1 Comment »

  1. [...] on GlassFish without any additional packaging. There are several Rails applications deployed in production on [...]

    Pingback by Popular Ruby-on-Rails applications on GlassFish v3 – Redmine, Typo, Substruct « Miles to go … — September 17, 2009 @ 11:20 pm

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