Miles to go …

May 1, 2009

JRuby, Rails, and GlassFish Bootcamp – San Francisco, May 19/20, 2009

Filed under: glassfish, netbeans, rails — arungupta @ 12:46 pm
Would you like to power up your Rails applications using JRuby and GlassFish ? And learn that from the engineers who develop the technology.

If yes, then we have organized a bootcamp for you!

Day 1 (FREE) of this bootcamp provides an introduction to JRuby and GlassFish and how they serve as an excellent development and deployment environment for Rails applications. Starting with clean slate on your laptop, you’ll be able to setup JRuby, Rails, GlassFish and learn about different options available for running your applications.

Day 2 (need $$$) takes a deep dive on each topic and convert you into a power user instantaneously. The topics range from Virtual Machine tuning for JRuby and GlassFish, Warbler tricks, Java EE integration, Deployment strategies, Monitoring applications to Running other Rack-based frameworks. Lunch and beverages will be served on Day 2.

On both days, you get an opportunity to practice everything on your laptop by following the experts along.

Complete details on venue, time, agenda, etc are available at

Register now before the seats fill out. And get ready to be drenched!

Technorati: conf jruby rubyonrails glassfish netbeans bootcamp sanfrancisco

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  1. FREE GlassFish Bootcamp – Mar 10, 2009, Santa Clara
  2. JRuby, Rails, and GlassFish – “Easiest Rails stack in the world”!!!
  3. GlassFish, NetBeans, and Project Kenai at Rails Conf 2009
  4. Learn JRuby on Rails – FREE Hands-on Event Aug 8th
  5. Mahaswami Software enjoys the “perfect marriage” of JRuby + Rails + GlassFish

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