Miles to go …

March 21, 2010

Mahaswami Software enjoys the “perfect marriage” of JRuby + Rails + GlassFish

Filed under: glassfish, rails — arungupta @ 2:22 pm

Mahaswami Software (based in Bengaluru, India) uses its homegrown Rapid Application Development framework to deliver quality applications in quick time. The framework leverages JRuby, Rails, and the J2EE platform along with Test Driven Development and Continuous integration tools. Mahaswami offers product development services and specific consulting on JRuby/Rails based application development. The Mahaswami team actively contributes back to the Ruby and Rails community.

And they picked GlassFish for a web-based supply chain management product for a large enterprise application service provider in India. They picked GlassFish instead of JBoss because they loved the web-based admin console and high performance.

Watch more details in the following video:

Here is what the customer has to say about their experience:

We were pleasantly surprised by this team’s fantastic ability to deliver complex solutions with great agility, and have gained an edge to our product development efforts.

Do you have any JRuby/Rails/GlassFish consulting requirements in Bengaluru ? Mahaswami Software is your one stop shop for providing all the services.

See other similar success stories here.

Technorati: mahaswami bangalore bengaluru india jruby rubyonrails glassfish stories

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