Miles to go …

September 11, 2009

Cross training for Runners using Biking

Filed under: running — arungupta @ 11:00 pm

Biking is a great way to cross-train for runners, it helps endurance and builds strength. And it also gives much needed break to your legs and knees :)

Here is the route I covered this morning biking approx 18.5 miles in San Jose/Cupertino/Saratoga neighborhood:

Click on the map for more details.

And here is the elevation map:

And this had to end with a 3 mile run, on a treadmill though.

With a total of 329 miles covered this quarter, there is 60 more miles to go in the next couple of weeks to meet 400 miles goal.

How do you cross-train for running ?

Technorati: biking running crosstrain

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  1. [...] Content available at [...]

    Pingback by Cross training for Runners using Biking - Technology — September 14, 2009 @ 8:01 am

  2. Nicely articulated…

    Comment by Dilip Panwar — September 23, 2009 @ 11:20 am

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