Miles to go …

February 10, 2010

Oracle+Sun Welcome Events

Filed under: glassfish — arungupta @ 11:30 am

Want to learn how Oracle+Sun are transforming the industry ? What the combination means to you ?

Hear from Oracle and Sun executives in multiple cities all around the world and learn the strategy.

Here is an email flier from my inbox showing some of the North America cities, more cities are being added every day.

Oracle+Sun Welcome Events

In the meanwhile, check out:

  • Larry Ellison and other execs on Oracle + Sun strategy
  • Oracle + Sun Product Strategy Webcast Series (Detailed notes on GlassFish & Developer Tools)
  • Developer Community FAQ

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  1. Developer Tools Strategy by Oracle+Sun: NetBeans & Hudson to stay!
  2. GlassFish strategy by Oracle+Sun
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  4. Screencast #31: Java EE 6 using GlassFish and Eclipse 3.6 – Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse is now available – 5 new screencasts
  5. GlassFish in Twitterverse – Oracle buying Sun

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