Miles to go …

June 1, 2010

Jazoon 2010 – Day 1 Report & Photos

Filed under: glassfish, javaee — arungupta @ 4:24 pm

Jazoon 2010 kick started earlier today with Danny’s keynote on about "Java SE and Java FX: The Road Ahead". He highlighted the clear difference between the Java SE 7 which is the platform and JDK 7 which is the corresponding implementation. The evolution of Java over many years was well covered but an interesting video showed the Star7 PDA Prototype, basically Java before 1995, enjoy it below:

One of the new feature coming in JDK 7 is support for parallelism with Garbage Collector that runs in a predictable timeframe and fork/join APIs that allows to break big tasks into lots of independent small ones. Java FX was about new UI components, better performance, new graphics stack (Prism), and TV version. JavaFX was used in showing medal tally for Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics.

Attended another session by an "Enterprisey RESTafarian" Stefan Tilkov (ADD LINK) on RESTful SOA. His session was basically a SOAP-bashing session and explained why REST is the only architecture that should be considered going forward. Here are some recommendations from him:

  1. Ensure your web apps are RESTful. Web applications that only use POST, suck. Every application is better if its only RESTful.
  2. Expose machine readable information via HTTP GET. Very simple, and easy.
  3. Manage your metadata with RESTful HTTP.
  4. Use WS-* for read/write interactions if politics or legacy force you. They may be good reasons.
  5. Draw your own conclusions watching the adoption of WS-* vs RESTful HTTP

I also showed Servlets 3.0 ease-of-use and asynchronous demos in Rajiv’s talk.

Rest of the day was spent meeting bunch of folks and fighting jet lag. Here are some pictures from earlier today:

And the evolving album so far:

The complete schedule of Oracle speakers is available here.

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