Miles to go …

June 18, 2010

Uber Conf 2010 – Day 4 Report – OSGi/Java EE in GlassFish and Getting Started with Clojure

Filed under: frameworks, glassfish, netbeans, running — arungupta @ 11:30 am

Uber Conf Day 4 (Day 3, 2, and 1) started with yet another 10 miler with fellow attendees in 1 hr 18 mins and 7:49 pace. It was slightly slower than the day before – guess physical exhaustion was setting in ;-) Here are the mile splits:

Thanks to Andy for showing how to turn on the Auto-Lap feature in Garmin 305 … really handy!

I gave a talk on how GlassFish provides a great execution environment for deploying OSGi, Java EE, and hybrid applications easily. The slides are given below:

OSGi & Java EE in GlassFish – Best of both worlds

The remainder of the day was spent in Clojure track by Stuart Halloway. Next are some basic notes for getting started with Clojure:

Why Clojure ?

  • Power (hosted on jvm)
  • Robustness (functional)
  • Concurrency (identity, state, time)
  • Abstraction (OO done right)
  • Focus (lisp)

Together, these features add up to simplicity. Simplicity means

  • absence of incidental complexity
  • sufficient to meet your design constraints

Simplicity does not mean

  • Familiarity has nothing to do with simplicity
  • its not superficial, goes to the bone (e.g. only simpler syntax is just a sugar wrapper, look for the supported idioms)
  • does not mean easy, its very hard to be simple

Lot of code in Clojure is not about "set" something, its about invoke a function on it.

How to get started ?

Download the latest stable release or cutting edge build. The Clojure REPL (Read-Evaluate-Print Loop) is the easiest way to run a Clojure program as shown below:

~/tools/clojure/clojure-1.1.0 >java -cp clojure.jar clojure.main
Clojure 1.1.0
user=> (print "Hello World")
Hello Worldnil
user=> ^D


~/tools/clojure/jun7 >java -cp clojure.jar clojure.main
Clojure 1.2.0-master-SNAPSHOT
user=> (print "Hello World")
Hello Worldnil
user=> ^D

Notice, the first fragment shows how to run REPL using the latest stable release and the second fragment shows the same using the cutting edge build. "Ctrl+D" exits the REPL shell. Stuart mentioned that the Clojure community stays on the cutting edge build most of the times.

Alternatively, you can also clone "labrepl" from "" which is an environment for exploring the Clojure language. It also provides complete instructions for getting started with NetBeans/Enclojure, Eclipse/Counterclockwise, Maven, Max/Linux command line, Windows command line, IDEA/La Clojure, and Emacs.

Configuring Clojure in NetBeans using the Enclojure plugin with NetBeans 6.9 gives the following error:

but works easily with NetBeans 6.8. The IDE seem to support REPL, Java/Clojure integration, syntax highlighting, brace/paren/bracket matching, code navigation, debugger and lots of interesting features.

Here is a typical REPL getting started session with NetBeans and Enclojure:

Here are some equivalent syntax with Java:

Semantic Java Clojure
new new Widget("foo") (Widget. "foo")
Access static members Math.PI Math/PI
Access instance members rnd.nextInt() (.nextInt rnd)
Chaining access person.getAddress().getZipCode() (.. person getAddress getZipCode)
  • "defn" is a symbol so no new syntax for adding a method.
  • ^ introduces metadata for the next symbol, "greet" in this case. You can put metadata anywhere.
  • "clojure.core" is the core of Clojure’s implementation
  • "javadoc" knows the default JDK javadocs, can make a local copy and/or extend it
  • "show" is Java reflection
  • "dir", "show", "source" are promoted from community version to the bleeding edge build.
  • Source is not always exposed
  • [1 2 3] Call the function 1 with arguments 2 & 3.
  • ‘(1 2 3) don’t evaluate it and print as is, just tick it.
  • Idiomatically Clojure requires less parentheses than Java
  • Every single function in Clojure is Runnable and Callable

  • Java interop is simple, wrapper-free (raw), performant, complete

Compojure is a small, open source Web framework for Clojure based upon Ring (similar to Python’s WSGI and Ruby’s Rack). Otherwise Clojure apps are deployed as a JAR file.

A subsequent blog will show how to deploy a simple Clojure JAR file and a simple web app using Compojure on GlassFish.

And finally, here are my top-10 reasons (in no particular order) that I’d like to attend UberConf next year:

  1. Long 90 minute sessions
  2. Lots of hands-on workshops
  3. Fun Run as part of the formal agenda
  4. Beautiful location (Westin Westminster) with lots of running trails
  5. Great food (breakfast + lunch + dinner)
  6. Small attendance so intimate discussions with speakers
  7. Great set of speakers
  8. Rarely see session hopping
  9. Pure technology, no product pitching
  10. Swags are nice – bracelet-style USB stick with all the presos, 2 different tee-shirts, fancy folder and some additional goodies for speakers

See ya next year, hopefully!

Technorati: conf uberconf denver clojure compojure glassfish netbeans javaee osgi

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Related posts:
  1. Java EE 6, GlassFish, NetBeans, Eclipse, OSGi at Über Conf: Jun 14-17, Denver
  2. Uber Conf 2010 – Day 3 Report
  3. Uber Conf 2010 – Notes from Scala for Java Programmers Workshop
  4. Java EE 6 & GlassFish – Spark IT 2010, Ruby Conf India 2010, Tech Days 2010
  5. Über Conf Day 1 Trip Report

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