Miles to go …

July 30, 2010

Dallas Tech Fest 2010 Trip Report

Filed under: glassfish, netbeans — arungupta @ 3:40 pm

Oracle was a gold sponsor of Dallas Tech Fest 2010 – 9 parallel tracks and 5 sessions/track.

I gave a 3-hour hands-on workshop on Java EE 6, GlassFish, and NetBeans. The room was packed during the first part (about 60 or so) and most of the audience retained for second part. The workshop explained several advantages of Java EE 6 such as simplicity, ease-of-use, and richness of the platform. These concepts were demonstrated using multiple coding sessions involving several technologies from the platform. Specifically it showed:

  • Creating simple Java EE 6 application using JSP, Servlets 3.0, Enterprise Java Beans 3.1
  • Facelets-based page creation using Java Server Faces 2
  • Contexts & Dependency Injection with Java Server Faces 2
  • Accessing database table using Java Persistence API 2
  • RESTful Web services using JAX-RS

NetBeans IDE specific features like Deploy-on-Save and Session-Preservation features that boosts your development productivity were also demonstrated using code samples.

The slides are now available:

Java EE 6 Hands-on Workshop at Dallas Tech Fest 2010

Watch Tim Rayburn (one of the conference organizers) talks about where Dallas Tech Fest is today and how they like to evolve it for next year:

One of the attendees mentioned after the workshop that it was like "drinking from the fire hose". The content could be overwhelming for users who are not familiar with NetBeans and new to Java EE 6. As repeated multiple times during the workshop, all the code shown in the workshop is clearly explained in screencast #30 (also in-lined below).

Feel free to re-run the workshop at your own pace and convenience. And you can always post any comment on this blog or GlassFish forum for question and/or clarifications.

Check out some pictures from the event:

On a personal front, met a few avid readers of my blog, connected with some Oracle folks, and barely met Ted Neward. I found Texas very humid and hot early in the morning for me. But still managed to squeeze in a 10K run, at a much slower pace:

One of the advantage of staying at Westin hotels is that they have a running map close to their hotel. And if not then their "Westin Workout" gyms are typically well equipped – even a stepper and exercise ball ;-)

Thanks Erik & Tim for providing me the opportunity to speak, I definitely look forward to participating next year!

And here is the complete photo album below:

Technorati: conf dallastechfest dallas glassfish javaee6 netbeans

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  1. Java EE 6 & GlassFish – Spark IT 2010, Ruby Conf India 2010, Tech Days 2010
  2. DevNexus 2010 Trip Report
  3. FISL 2010 Trip Report
  4. Java EE 6 & GlassFish swimming to DevNexus/Atlanta – Mar 8/9 & Dallas – Apr 5
  5. Day 2 – Tech Days 2010, Hyderabad

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