Miles to go …

November 18, 2010

Screencast #34: GlassFish 3.1 Clustering, High Availability and Centralized Administration

Filed under: glassfish — arungupta @ 12:47 pm

Two main themes of GlassFish 3.1 are: High Availability and Centralized Administration. This screencast demonstrates how to create a 2-instance cluster on a single machine using web-based Administration Console, deploy the canonical clusterjsp application, and show session fail-over capabilities in GlassFish 3.1.

From download to testing an application with high availability … all in under 10 minutes … enjoy!

A future screencast will show how to create multiple nodes on different machines, with 1 or more instance on each node, and all of them front-ended with a load balancer.

Technorati: screencast glassfish clustering highavailability

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  4. LOTD #17: Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server Administration and Deployment Course – SAS 4455
  5. Screencast #33: NetBeans 7.0 M2 and GlassFish 3.1 Features

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