Undertow, Vert.x, and Netty Benchmarks

90 frameworks (including web application platforms, full-stack frameworks, and micro-frameworks) are compared using 230 tests by Tech Empower. The tests execute fundamental tasks such as JSON serialization, database access, and server-side template composition. Read more about the tests introduction, permutation, and environment details.

Complete results from Round 8 are explained here.

Undertow is the new web server in WildFly 8 and did pretty well with consistently staying in top 10 in all categories, especially given that the server is written from scratch. Vert.x and Netty – two more frameworks from Red Hat are doing pretty well too!

Here is a snapshot of some of the results:



Top 3 frameworks here are by Red Hat :)







WildFly 8 was recently released and uses Undertow as the web server. Undertow provide a composition/handler-based architecture that provides support for Servlet 3.1, HTTP upgrade, WebSocket, and mod_cluster. It can also be embedded in to your application very easily. Find more details here.

Did you know Twitter’s fault-tolerant protocol-agnostic RPC framework (Finagle) is built on top of Netty ?

How are you using WildFly 8, Undertow, Vert.x, or Netty ?


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