Bye Bye Couchbase, Hello Amazon Web Services!

After spending a little over 18 months at Couchbase, the future is cloudy, very cloudy!

Friday, April 7th, 2017, was my last day at Couchbase. This Monday, April 10th, 2017, is my first day at Amazon.


What will I be doing?

I’ll be part of the newly formed Open Source team at Amazon Web Services. I’m super excited to be working with Adrian Cockroft (@adrianco) and Zaheda Bhorat (@zahedab).

As a Principal Open Source Technologist, my initial focus will be to make sure AWS continues to be the best platform for running your containerized solutions. Yes, we’d like you to use EC2 Container Service. But if you want to use Docker, Kubernetes, DC/OS or any other open source orchestration framework, so be it! We will continue to work with our partners and the open source community, including contributing to these projects, to make sure AWS remains the best place to run your containerized workloads.

In addition, there are numerous other opportunities around open source and AWS like mxnet, Blox and likely many more to be created.

Why change?

I had a lot of fun working at a Silicon Valley startup. The amount of learning in terms of implementing the pipeline from adoption -> engagement -> monetization was immense. Working with different teams very closely, learning their machinery and helping them understand the relevance of community was quite a thrilling experience. Having significant part of the company colocated in a single location allowed a different level of interaction altogether. Working with Developer Advocacy team to meet, and quite often exceed, the metrics every month was a lot of fun.

However, for those who’ve followed me speaking at conferences and read my content over the past couple of years know that I’m passionate about containers. As Oprah Winfrey said:

Passion is energy!

Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you

This opportunity at AWS allows me to follow my heart and passion.

Some other quotes that truly symbolize my state of mind at this time …

passion1 passion3

This personal change is by no means any indication on the quality of Couchbase products. Both Couchbase Server and Couchbase Mobile are very well positioned for enterprise adoption. N1QL allows database developers to leverage their SQL skills and apply them to a NoSQL document database. Couchbase Mobile is a unique offering that provides offline capability for mobile applications and synchronization with a backend database when online. It will continue to blaze new trails and bring new types of customers. I wish all of them good luck!

A popular saying is “change is the only constant”. And so here I go again making another change in my career. Looking forward to see you at conferences and meetups around the world.

This also means, the blog title will change to Miles to go 4.0 now (2.0, 3.0)!

Where will you see me?

Some upcoming speaking engagements are DockerCon (Austin), GIDS (Bangalore), OSCON (Austin). Amazon Web Services is a gold sponsor at DockerCon and OSCON and so you can find me at the booth as well.

You’ll also see me at some AWS Summits and re:Invent.

And of course, you can follow me on twitter @arungupta to find out what’s keeping me busy!

In the meanwhile, here are some links for you to learn more about AWS:

  • AWS on Twitch
  • This is My Architecture that shows innovative architectural solutions on the AWS Cloud
  • AWS Blog
  • Follow @awscloud

Looking forward to AWSome and exciting weeks/months/years ahead!


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