Devoxx4Kids at Red Hat Summit and Dev Nation 2016

RedHat Summit LogoDevNation Logo Devoxx4Kids

Once again, Red Hat and Devoxx4Kids are partnering to foster the next generation of technologists. If you are speaking or attending Red Hat Summit or DevNation, then this is your opportunity to help them!

You can be an instructor for the workshop or volunteer with an instructor.

Are you interested in teaching 6-16 years old kids about STEM? Do you have any existing workshop that would be useful? Pick one of existing Devoxx4Kids workshop and deliver it? Do you want to create a new workshop?

We’d love to have you submit workshops!

Date: June 26, 2016
Venue: San Francisco, CA
Teach: Submit your workshops
Volunteer: Sign up as volunteer

Check out some pictures from last year:

Read Devoxx4Kids at Red Hat Summit 2015 report for more details.

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