Docker on Windows 2016 Server

This blog is the first part of a multi-part series. The first part showed how to set up Windows Server 2016 as a VirtualBox VM. This second part will show how to configure Docker on Windows 2016 VM.

  1. Start an elevated PowerShell session:docker-windows-2016-22
  2. Run the script to install Docker:
    This will install the PowerShell module, enable containers feature and install Docker.


    The VM needs to be restarted in order for the containers to be enabled. Refer to Container Host Deployment – Windows Server for more detailed instructions.

  3. The VM reboots. Start a PowerShell and check Docker version using docker version command:docker-windows-2016-24More details about Docker can be found using the docker info command:docker-windows-2016-25
  4. Run your first Docker container using the docker run -it -p 80:80 microsoft/iis command:docker-windows-2016-26This will download the Microsoft IIS server Docker image. This is going to take a while so please be patient!
  5. Once the 8.9 GB image is downloaded (after a while), the IIS server is started for you. Check the list of images using the docker images command and the list of running containers using the docker ps command:docker-windows-2016-27More details about the container can be found using the docker inspect command:

  6. The exact IP address of the container can be found using the command:

    IIS main page is accessible at http://<container-ip>, as shown below:


The next part will show how to create your own Docker image on Windows Server 2016.


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5 thoughts on “Docker on Windows 2016 Server

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  2. Why are there differences here as compared to your other blog post here:

    Do everyone a favor and remove your outdated information, or at least put a note somewhere. Some of these commands don’t work, or have alternate ways to get them done, it would be nice AND informative if those alternates were mentioned so someone new to this doesn’t spend hours chasing their tail on the internet for the RIGHT way to install this. Thanks but I’ll avoid your tutorials from now on.

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