Gavin King: Ceylon at DevNation 2014

Gaving King (+GavingKing), creator of Hibernate and Ceylon will be speaking at DevNation.


Here is what he had to say about his sessions …

What sessions are you giving at DevNation ?

“Eleven Ceylon Idioms”, a talk that aims to quickly introduce some
distinctive features of Ceylon’s type system via examples.

What are three takeaways from your sessions ?

  • How to think about the common statement that languages with static typing are less “expressive”, and what we can do about that.
  • That union and intersection types make static typing much more expressive.
  • How and why Ceylon captures null-ness and emptiness within the statically type system.

What do you find most exciting about DevNation ?

This is the very first time we’re presenting Ceylon to a large conference audience in the United States.

What sessions are you looking forward to attend ?

  • Bringing transactional guarantees to MongoDB – Paul Robinson
  • Building an enterprise app from scratch – Pete Muir
  • Hadoop and beyond: architectural considerations for scalable big data storage – Scott McClellan

Do you want to learn more about Ceylon ?

Register for DevNation today, save $150 by using 150OFF discount code.

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