JBoss/WildFly: Top Java EE Application Server for 5 years in ZeroTurnaround Reports

Zero Turnaround (the company behind JRebel and other Java productivity tools) has released their fifth edition of Java Tools and Technologies Landscape. This report started in 2009 as the speed of Java application server restarts, and has evolved into a lot more comprehensive report over the past 5 years. Oliver White (@theotown) and rest of Rebel Labs have really invested a lot of effort in making it a comprehensive and an inclusive report.

Several Red Hat projects/products are being mentioned in this report ranging from JBoss/WildFly, Hibernate, Ceylon, JBoss Developer Studio/Eclipse, Arquillian, and others.

In all these years, JBoss has consistently stayed at the top amongst all the commercially supported application servers. 2009 report showed JBoss as the most widely used application server:

Another result from Java EE Container Redeploy & Restart Time report in 2010:

And from Java EE Productivity Report 2011:

And Developer Productivity Report from 2012:

And Great Java Application Server Debate in 2013 (amazingly results are same ;):

And now in 2014, once again:

84% of respondents are using Java EE 6 or Java EE 7.

If you need a Java EE 6 commercially supported application server, then get started with JBoss EAP. If you need a Java EE 7 compliant application server that will be commercially supported, get started with WildFly.

Download the complete report here!

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10 thoughts on “JBoss/WildFly: Top Java EE Application Server for 5 years in ZeroTurnaround Reports

  1. Hi!

    If you sum 2012 results you get more that 100%. 2013 is the same. :)

  2. Micha, in 2012 & 2013, probably, those were the multi-choise questions. Then it can add up to more than 100% – that’s normal.

  3. Another ope source server that has similar functionality and more is WSO2 Application server. (architecture https://docs.wso2.com/display/AS521/Architecture). This is a standalone application server which has Apache Axis2 framework as its core.
    The advantage with this is that WSO2 has many more products that could be easily integrated with the application server to support a complete enterprise environment. Also application server has many plug-able features that could be used on user requirement.
    you can try it out at http://wso2.com/products/application-server/

  4. TekSlate is the industry leader in delivering JBoss free tutorial with complete understanding of server administration with comprehensive learning.
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  5. Nice article to summarize everything. Check out the WSO2 Application Server also. The WSO2 Application Server is Cloud Native, providing a firm foundation for hosting shared, multi-tenant, elastically scaling SaaS. applications.


  6. Nice article to summarize everything. Check out the WSO2 Application Server also. The WSO2 Application Server is Cloud Native, providing a firm foundation for hosting shared, multi-tenant, elastically scaling SaaS. applications.

    @Aruna : I think this comparison is not concerned about the Cloud deployment, scalability and SOA integration. But if you take those things into account I also believe WSO2 AS is a better option.

  7. very nice article , a lot of information about the latest release of java zeroturnaround. for learning java online log on to http://www.techenoid.com

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