Tag Archives: hibernate

Hibernate OGM: NoSQL solutions for Java EE (Hanginar #4)

Hibernate OGM Hibernate OGM brings the power and simplicity of JPA for NoSQL datastores.

It provides one standard way to access a variety of NoSQL datastores such as Infinispan, Ehcache, MongoDB, Neo4J. And support for others is coming. It even allows rich querying capabilities and convert them into datastore-specific query (if supported). You can even mix/match Persistence Unit in persistence.xml for a RBDMS and NoSQL datastore.

This hanginar (#1, #2, #3) with Emmanuel Bernard (@emmanuelbernard) shows how to get started with Hibernate OGM. It specifically addresses the following questions:

  • What NoSQL datastores are supported?
  • Can I build support for other datastores?
  • What application servers can it run on?
  • Do I need Hibernate for it, or does it work with EclipseLink?
  • Can I have a SQL and NoSQL PU in persistence.xml and access them from Java EE application?
  • Can I use this in Java SE applications?

Learn everything about Hibernate OGM at hibernate.org/ogm/.

Source code used in the webinar is at github.com/hibernate/hibernate-demos/tree/hanginar-201501.


jOOQ and how it relates to JDBC, Java EE, Hibernate, etc (Hanginar #2)

Following up from Hanginar #1, this latest hanginar with Lukas Eder (@lukaseder) share more details about jOOQ.

Learn all about:

  • What is jOOQ ?
  • Why JOOQ when there is JDBC and JPA ?
  • How does it fit with Java EE apps ? Does it uses underlying JPA persistence provider or some other connection ?
  • Pros/cons over JPA ? Pure Hibernate ?
  • How well does it scale ?
  • Show code sample in a Java EE application
  • jOOQ for CRUD-based or domain-rich application ?
  • How can eventually all the work in jOOQ be integrated in JPA and be standardized ? Or would it be more of JDBC ?

Many thanks to Lukas Eder (@lukaseder) for all the great work on jOOQ and participating in this series!

A tentative list of speakers is identified at github.com/javaee-samples/webinars. Each speaker is assigned an issue which allows you to ask questions. Feel free to file an issue for any other speaker that should be on the list.