Tag Archives: hanginar

Database Migrations in Java EE using Flyway (Hanginar #6)

flyway-logoDatabase schema of any Java EE application evolves along with business logic. This makes database migrations an important of any Java EE application.

Do you still perform them manually, along with your application deployment? Is it still a lock step process or run as two separate scripts – one for application deployment and one for database migrations?

Learn how Flyway simplifies database migrations, and seamlessly integrates with your Java EE application in this webinar with Axel Fontaine (@axelfontaine).

You’ll learn about:

  • Need for database migration tool in a Java EE application
  • Seamless integration with Java EE application lifecycle
  • SQL scripts and Java-based migrations
  • Getting Started guides
  • Comparison with Liquibase
  • And much more!

A fun fact about this, and jOOQ hanginar, is that both were conceived on the wonderful cruise as part of JourneyZone. Happy to report that these are now complete!


Domain Driven Design using Java EE (Hanginar #5)

Domain Driven Design


Domain Driven Design (DDD) is very well suited for typical three-tier Java EE applications and allows a close collaboration between technical and domain experts to iteratively define a model. Learn all about the basics of DDD and how to create a non-trivial Java EE application using DD in this webinar with Reza Rahman (@reza_rahman).

The source code shows:

  • Well established architectural patterns/blueprints for enterprise development with Java EE using pretty close to a real world application.
  • Demonstrate a concrete implementation of DDD concepts.
  • Showcase some core Java EE technologies (JSF, CDI, WebSocket, Batch, JAX-RS, JMS, Bean Validation, and others)
  • Select set of representative tools that complement Java EE well such as Maven, JUnit, Cargo, JMeter, soapUI, Arquillian, PrimeFaces and DeltaSpike


Hibernate OGM: NoSQL solutions for Java EE (Hanginar #4)

Hibernate OGM Hibernate OGM brings the power and simplicity of JPA for NoSQL datastores.

It provides one standard way to access a variety of NoSQL datastores such as Infinispan, Ehcache, MongoDB, Neo4J. And support for others is coming. It even allows rich querying capabilities and convert them into datastore-specific query (if supported). You can even mix/match Persistence Unit in persistence.xml for a RBDMS and NoSQL datastore.

This hanginar (#1, #2, #3) with Emmanuel Bernard (@emmanuelbernard) shows how to get started with Hibernate OGM. It specifically addresses the following questions:

  • What NoSQL datastores are supported?
  • Can I build support for other datastores?
  • What application servers can it run on?
  • Do I need Hibernate for it, or does it work with EclipseLink?
  • Can I have a SQL and NoSQL PU in persistence.xml and access them from Java EE application?
  • Can I use this in Java SE applications?

Learn everything about Hibernate OGM at hibernate.org/ogm/.

Source code used in the webinar is at github.com/hibernate/hibernate-demos/tree/hanginar-201501.


Modular Java EE applications with OSGi (Hanginar #3)

This hanginar (#1, #2) with Paul Bakker (@pbakker) shows how to build modular Java EE applications.

Learn all about:

  • Why is it important to build modular Java EE applications?
  • How OSGi enables modular applications?
  • See bndtools plugin in action using Eclipse
  • Learn how to transform an existing Java EE application to be modular
  • How to take a modular application to production?
  • Learn about Amdatu – open source OSGi components that enable Java EE modular applications

Many thanks to Paul Bakker (@pbakker) and Luminis for all the great work on enabling modular Java EE applications and participating in this series! Most of the work shown in this webinar is also explained in an O’Reilly book: Building Modular Clouds Apps with OSGi (co-authored with @BertErtman).

A tentative list of speakers for upcoming hanginars is identified at github.com/javaee-samples/webinars. Each speaker is assigned an issue which allows you to ask questions. Feel free to file an issue for any other speaker that should be on the list.

The next hanginar will be advertised ahead of time so that any body can participate!

jOOQ and how it relates to JDBC, Java EE, Hibernate, etc (Hanginar #2)

Following up from Hanginar #1, this latest hanginar with Lukas Eder (@lukaseder) share more details about jOOQ.

Learn all about:

  • What is jOOQ ?
  • Why JOOQ when there is JDBC and JPA ?
  • How does it fit with Java EE apps ? Does it uses underlying JPA persistence provider or some other connection ?
  • Pros/cons over JPA ? Pure Hibernate ?
  • How well does it scale ?
  • Show code sample in a Java EE application
  • jOOQ for CRUD-based or domain-rich application ?
  • How can eventually all the work in jOOQ be integrated in JPA and be standardized ? Or would it be more of JDBC ?

Many thanks to Lukas Eder (@lukaseder) for all the great work on jOOQ and participating in this series!

A tentative list of speakers is identified at github.com/javaee-samples/webinars. Each speaker is assigned an issue which allows you to ask questions. Feel free to file an issue for any other speaker that should be on the list.

Continuous Deployment with Java EE 7, WildFly, and Docker – (Hanginar #1)

This blog is starting a new hanginar (G+ hangout + webinar) series that will highlight solutions, frameworks, application servers, tooling, deployment, and more content focused on Java EE. These are not the usual conference-style monologue presentations, but are interactive hackathons where real working stuff is shown, and is mostly code-driven. Think of this as a mix of, and inspired by, Nighthacking (@_nighthacking), Virtual JUG (@virtualjug), and virtual JBUG (@vjbug) but focussing purely on Java EE technology.

There are so many cool things happening in the Java EE platform and ecosystem around it, and they need to be shared with the broader community, more importantly at a location where people can go back again and again. Voxxed.com has graciously offered to host all the videos and be the central place for this content.

The first such webinar, with none other than Adam Bien (@adambien), in that series just went live. It discusses how to do Continuous Deployment with Java EE 7 and Docker. It will also show how to go from “git push” to production in less than a minute, including rebooting your Docker containers and restarting all your microservices.

A tentative list of speakers is identified at github.com/javaee-samples/webinars. Each speaker is assigned an issue which allows you to ask questions. Feel free to file an issue for any other speaker that should be on the list.

What would you like to see ? Spec leads ? App servers ? Why this over that ? Design patterns and anti-patterns ? Anonymous customer use cases ? What frequency would you like to see ? Use G+ hangout on air ?

As with any new effort, we’ll learn and evolve and see what makes best sense for the Java EE community.

So what’s the mantra ? Code is king, give some love to Java EE!