Tag Archives: jbosstools

Configure JRebel with Docker containers – Tech Tip #81

JRebel allows you to skip build and redeploy process by instantly deploying your application to the application server of your choice. It is supported in all the major IDEs such as NetBeans, Eclipse, and IntelliJ. It is also supported in a wide variety of application servers such as JBoss EAP, WildFly, WebLogic, WebsFear (err, WebSphere), Tomcat, and many others.

You can easily get started with JRebel in JBoss Developer Studio  or Integrate JRebel with JBoss on your local desktop. It can also be easily used with JBoss Developer Studio and Ticket Monster on OpenShift.

This Tech Tip will explain how do you set up JRebel with Docker containers. Specifically, we’ll use the sample application provided by Java EE 7 Hands-on Lab (jrebel branch), JBoss Tools with Eclipse Mars M5, and running the sample application in WildFly Docker container.

Many thanks to Adam Koblentz (@akoblentz) for helping me through the steps!

Lets get started!

Install JRebel in Eclipse

JRebel runs in three modes:

  • Local: App server is running from inside the IDE
  • External: App server is running from outside the IDE, such as using CLI, but on the same machine
  • Remote: App server is running on a different machine, VM, container, or cloud

Docker containers need to be configured using the “remote” mode.

  1. Install JBoss Tools  as explained at tools.jboss.org/downloads/. JRebel’s remote mode can only be enabled using the IDE. Install JRebel plugin from Eclipse Marketplace.

Package rebel.xml and rebel-remote.xml with the WAR

These files define the location of classes and resources in your archive.

  1. Clone the Java EE 7 HOL repo:
  2. Import the Maven project (from the solution directory) in the IDE, right-click on the project, select JRebel menu, and click on “Enable JRebel Nature”. This will generate rebel.xml in src/main/resources directory and would look something like:
  3. Right-click on the project again, and select “Enable Remoting”. This generates rebel-remote.xml, in src/main/resources directory again, and will look like:
    This needs to be done on the machine where JRebel will be used in the IDE. This will ensure that the public key is generated appropriately.
  4. Package your application as
    This will package rebel.xml and rebel-remote.xml in the WAR file.

Configure and Run the Application Server

Application server needs to know about JRebel agent and platform-specific library. Both of these files are available from Eclipse if JRebel was installed earlier. On Mac these files are available in eclipse/mars/m5/eclipse/plugins/org.zeroturnaround.eclipse.embedder_6.1.1.RELEASE-201503121801/jr6/jrebel/ directory. The exact name would very likely differ in your case.

  1. Build the image using the Dockerfile:
    The key parts in this image are:

    1. Using the official jboss/wildfly Docker image
    2. Copying the JRebel agent and platform-specific library to the image
    3. Configuring application server such that it knows about the “remote” mode and platform-specific library
    4. Start WildFly
    5. Downloads the pre-built WAR file from GitHub. This will not work for you, and you’ll need to replace it with something like:
      This WAR file is the same that was generated earlier.
  2. Actually build the image as:
  3. Run the container as:
    and this should show something like:
    JRebel license information is a good sign that everything is configured properly.

    If you used Docker Machine to Setup Docker Host then the application should now be accessible at

Configure Eclipse

Last step is to configure Eclipse so that it knows where the application is deployed.

  1. In Eclipse, right-click on the project, select JRebel, Advanced Properties
  2. Click on “Edit” on next to “Deployment URLs”
  3. Click on Add and specify the URL of the application, in our case.
  4. Click on Continue, Apply, OK.

Voila, the configuration is now complete.

Now changing any class, adding any method, updating any entity or HTML or JSF page will push the changes to the Docker container instantly. No need to redeploy the application.


Deploy to WildFly and Docker from Eclipse – Tech Tip #79

Docker and WildFly Part 1 – Deployment via Volumes and Docker and WildFly Part 2 – Deployment over Management API shows two approaches of how JBoss Tools can be configured to run any application on WildFly server running as a Docker container.

The blogs provide detailed setup and the underlying background. This Tech Tip will provide a quick summary of how to deploy a Java EE 7 application to WildFly and Docker from Eclipse.

Lets get started!

Configure Docker

  1. Configure Docker on your machine using Docker Machine.
  2. Find the IP address as:
    and add an entry in /etc/hosts as:

Deployment to WildFly Container using Docker Volumes

  1. Create a folder that will be mounted as volume in the WildFly Docker container. In this case, the folder is /Users/arungupta/tmp/deployments.WildFly Docker container can be started as:
    rw ensures that the Docker container can write to it.
  2. Create a new server adapter:
    WildFly Docker Server Adapter
  3. Assign or create a WildFly 8.x runtime:

    Docker WildFly Server Adapter

    Changed properties are highlighted.

  4. Setup the server properties as:

    Docker WildFly Adapter Properties


    Changed properties are highlighted. The two properties on the left are automatically propagated from the previous dialog. Additional two properties on the right side are required to disable to keep deployment scanners in sync with the server.

  5. Specify a custom deployment folder on Deployment tab of Server Editor:

    Docker WildFly Server Adapter

  6. Right-click on the newly created server adapter and click “Start”.

    Docker WildFly Server Synchronized

    Status quickly changes to “Started, Synchronized” as shown.

  7. Open up any Java EE 7 project (for example javaee7-simple-sample), right-click, Run on Server, and chose this server. The project runs and displays the page:

    Docker Java EE 7 Output


Deployment to WildFly Container using Management API

  1. Run WildFly management image as:
    This is only a convenience image to reduce the number of steps required to get started. Dockerfile for this image has more details, including admin credentials.

    Volume mapping is not required in this case, instead additional management port is exposed.

  2. Configure a remote server controlled by management operations:Docker WildFly Remote Server Configuration

    Changed properties are highlighted.

  3. Take the defaults:

    Docker WildFly Remote System Integration

  4. Set up server properties by specifying the admin credentials (Admin#70365). Note, you need to delete the existing password and use this instead:

    Docker WildFly Admin Credentials

  5. Right-click on the newly created server adapter and click “Start”.Status quickly changes to “Started, Synchronized” as shown.

    Docker WildFly Server Synchronized

  6. Open up any Java EE 7 project (for example javaee7-simple-sample), right-click, Run on Server, and chose this server. The project runs and displays the page:

    Docker Java EE 7 Output


This blog showed how how to deploy a Java EE 7 application to WildFly and Docker from Eclipse.

Is there any other way that you deploy to WildFly Docker container from Eclipse?

JBoss Tools Community Acceptance Testing (JBoss Tools CAT)

JBoss Tools is a set of plugins for Eclipse that complements, enhances and goes beyond the support that exists for JBoss and related technologies in the default Eclipse distribution.

Until now, early builds of JBoss Tools were released at a regular cadence leading up to the release of a particular version. Anybody could download, integrate the plugins in Eclipse, test, and provide feedback. JBoss Tools Community Acceptance Testing (CAT) seeks to obtain feedback from the community on early builds of JBoss Tools.

So what’s different ?

  • Allows JBoss Tools team to engage with individuals who can look at the release schedule and features coming in a particular release, test them, and provide feedback
  • JBoss Tools team will be paying close attention to the bugs filed by CAT members and ensuring they are responded/reacted to
  • Your name will be included in the JBoss Tools release notes
  • Help us decide if JBoss Tools is ready for release

Any feedback is relevant ? Stability, performance, usability, regression, RFE, anything literally.

Ready to get started ?

The simple process and other details are available at tools.jboss.org/cat/.

Learn more about the motivation behind all of this in a short interview with Max Andersen:

You might also wonder the name looks very familiar! Having actively participated in NetCAT and driven FishCAT, this was a very natural choice. All the more relevant because Red Hat truly believes in community powered innovation.

Max also blogged about it here.

And in case you are wondering, JBoss Developer Studio (JBDS) is a fully bundled Eclipse distribution which not only includes the majority of JBoss Tools but also all its needed dependencies and 3rd party plugins allowing for an easy one-click and no-fuss installation. JBDS is released along with the GA version of JBoss Tools. So if you are participating in JBoss Tools CAT, you are helping us test JBoss Developer Studio as well.

Tech Tip #5 shows how to get started with JBoss Tools and WildFly!

Getting Started with JBoss Tools and WildFly (Tech Tip #5)

JBoss Tools 4.1.1 and JBoss Developer Studio 7.1 were released 2 days ago. This release is built on top of Eclipse Kepler 4.3.1, came in less than 6 months from the previous one, has 500+ bug fixes and some nice  features.

  • Improved hybrid mobile tooling with support for Apache Cordova using Aerogear
  • More support for OpenShift 2.0
  • Content assist on Angular.js attributes and resource content

What is the difference between JBoss Tools and JBoss Developer Studio ?

JBoss Tools is a set of plugins for Eclipse that complements, enhances and goes beyond the support that exists for JBoss and related technologies in the default Eclipse distribution.

JBoss Developer Studio is a fully bundled Eclipse distribution which not only includes the majority of JBoss Tools but also all its needed dependencies and 3rd party plugins allowing for an easy one-click and no-fuss installation.

If you are into doing your own bleeding edge Eclipse plugin assembly, JBoss Tools is for you; if you are more into having something that “Just Works” then JBoss Developer Studio is the way to go.

I took JBoss Tools for a ride and tried Java EE samples on WildFly. Here are the steps for the same:

  1. Downloaded Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers. Ignore this step if you already have Eclipse Kepler 4.3.1 for Java EE.
  2. Drag and Drop the button in Eclipse to install the tools . There are other usual methods to install as well but I found this extremely convenient.Dropping the button shows the following screen:jboss-tools-install-techtip4

    Follow the instructions to complete the installation. Restarting the Eclipse shows the following screen:


    And that shows a successful installation.

  3. Click on the “Servers” tab, click on “Click this link to create a new server…”jboss-servers-techtip4Select “WildFly” and click on “Next>”. Use Tech Tip #1 to install WildFly locally on your machine. Specify the WildFly location on next screen:


    Click on the second “Browse…” button to select an appropriate profile. Click on “Finish” to complete WildFly installation.

  4. Right-click on the selected server and click on “Start” to start WildFly.wildfly-log-techtip4
  5. Check out Java EE samples and import them in Eclipse. Select any project, right-click on it and select “Run on Server”. Choose the WildFly server to see the output as:


And now you’ve a Java EE 7 sample running on WildFly using JBoss Tools!

Here are some resources:

  • JBoss Developer Studio Getting Started Guide
  • New and Noteworthy features
  • Ask a question on forums, @jbosstools, or file an issue on JIRA

Have fun!