July 22, 2007

Week 23 – Improved PR on Rancho by > 2 minutes

Categories: running

Mon: Rest
Tue: 3.5 miles
Wed: Rest
Thu: 7 miles
Fri: Rest
Sat: Rest
Sun: 9 miles

Last week before the race and I improved my PR on Rancho PG&E by more than 2 minutes. The first parking lot was full even at 7:10am. Anyway, I mostly ran uphill with a total of 45:10 (2:14 better) and a total of 1:14:13 (2:52 better) after stopping at the main parking lot. I’m feeling good but am traveling this week so lets hope everything stays on course!

Here are good reads of this time:

  • Peanut Butter – A Great Runners Food – Packed with vitamin E, niacin, folic acid, protein, fiber and monounsaturated ("good") fats, peanut butter just might be the best runner’s food on the planet.
  • Eat Smart on the Road – Whether you’re driving cross-country or just to a nearby state for a race weekend, these five tips will help you eat right along the way.
  • Try a ‘Three-Lap’ Workout – Running 1200’s (three times around the track) is a great, often-overlooked way to boost your aerobic capacity. Start with these five workouts.
  • Strength Train in Sun (with video) – Outdoor circuit workouts, or sessions that alternate running and resistance exercises, are a perfect way to build strength.

With a 5:30am start wave on 7/29, it’s exactly less than 7 days for my race to finish!

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