Miles to go …

August 31, 2009

Rancho San Antonio County Park – Ideal location for Hill Workouts

Filed under: running — arungupta @ 11:30 pm

Rancho San Antonio County Park has a perfect terrain for hill workouts. There are multiple hills with varying levels of difficulty, rolling hills, and a long stretch on PG&E trail. I’ve been mostly running PG&E trail so far but have been experimenting with "hill repeats" for the past couple of times and really loving it.

Why "hill repeats ? – Simple, they build strength and helps gain speed.

The route starts with the equestrian parking lot, runs across to the main parking lot using the side trail, climbs the hill up to the water tank and then falls back to go in a loop. The clickable map below shows the exact route:

It’s 1.25 miles and climbs about 600 feet in 0.5 mile. The elevation map looks like:

Alternatively, you can reverse the route shown above and run up the hill in 35-45 seconds (it’s a nice one) and then walk/jog back for recovery.

Runners World explains four great workouts with hill.

Where do you run your hill workouts ?

Technorati: running training hills rancho

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