Miles to go …

May 15, 2009

Ruby-on-Rails and Ramaze production deployments on GlassFish

Filed under: frameworks, glassfish — Tags: — arungupta @ 4:00 am

Published three new JRuby/GlassFish production deployment stories in as many days:

Who ? Recipe Why GlassFish ?
JRuby + Rails + GlassFish v2 + MySQL + Apache Web Server + memcached The GlassFish processes have been among the most stable of our deployment.


(The) GlassFish team has been extremely helpful along the way with tuning and diagnosing performance issues.

JRuby + Rails + GlassFish v2 + MySQL + Solaris Zones GlassFish works and provides useful error messages.
Recipe: JRuby + Ramaze + GlassFish v2 + MySQL/H2 What’s essential for me is that I spend my time doing development, not sysadmin work, so I settle for a working solution.   I’ve had no trouble for a few months now, and redeploy using simple scripts.

Other similar JRuby stories are available at jruby+stories. Other GlassFish stories are available here.

Technorati: jruby rubyonrails ramaze stories glassfish

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1 Comment »

  1. [...] Substruct using JRuby/Rails on GlassFish without any additional packaging. There are several Rails applications deployed in production on [...]

    Pingback by Popular Ruby-on-Rails applications on GlassFish v3 – Redmine, Typo, Substruct « Miles to go … — September 17, 2009 @ 11:19 pm

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