July 2, 2009

Rails on GlassFish – “most performant of all”, “simpler and just works”, “blazing speed”

Categories: glassfish, rails

Here are some quotes about running Rails applications on GlassFish from user@jruby mailing list:

I find the glassfish gem to be the most performant of all — and I don’t need to war-up my app.

I also have some mongrel cluster stuff, but glassfish is simpler and just works.

Voila…blazing speed, can handle lots of traffic. Note that I am also cominging into apache from a dyndns name. So, whatever IP I have, I can go straight to execution on the glassfish gem and NO warring up! What could be easier deployment, or a faster execution?

It’s running fantasticly and performing like nothing I’ve seen before :) Completely stable memory, no wirings or anything bad for 5 days now.. (with several ab/htperf stresstests).

It’s always exciting to get good endorsements of our efforts in the GlassFish team :)

Other similar stories for using Rails/GlassFish in production are described at rubyonrails+stories.

Technorati: glassfish v3 gem rubyonrails stories jruby

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Related posts:
  1. JRuby, Rails, and GlassFish – “Easiest Rails stack in the world”!!!
  2. Ruby-on-Rails and Ramaze production deployments on GlassFish
  3. LOTD #4: Rails running on GlassFish @ LinkedIn
  4. JRuby, Rails, and GlassFish Bootcamp – San Francisco, May 19/20, 2009
  5. JRuby-on-Rails deployed on GlassFish – Success Story


  1. thanks for the information.

    Comment by Oyunlar — July 7, 2009 @ 8:07 am

  2. Thanks. For the information

    Comment by Fragmanlar — July 7, 2009 @ 8:10 am

  3. Thanks …

    Comment by Diş Sağlığı — July 7, 2009 @ 8:11 am

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