Miles to go …

August 25, 2009

FREE GlassFish Webinar: “Java EE 6 Overview” – Aug 26, 2009, 10am PT

Filed under: glassfish, javaee — Tags: , , , — arungupta @ 11:00 pm

Java EE 6 is developed as JSR 316 under the Java Community Process. It breaks the “one size fits all” approach with Profiles and improves on the Java EE 5 developer productivity features. Several existing specifications are getting an extreme makeover such as Java Server Faces 2.0 and Servlet 3.0. GlassFish v3 is the Reference Implementation of Java EE 6.

So you’d like to get an overview of Java EE 6 and start developing with GlassFish v3. Please register for a free webinar with coordinates:

Date: Aug 26, 2009
Time: 10am PT

Register here.

Yep, it’s starting in a few hours so make sure to sign up and be ready with your questions. Several specification leads will be available to field your questions.

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