Miles to go …

September 30, 2009

Running Summary Q3 2009 – 400 miles, 80% of running days

Filed under: frameworks, glassfish, rails, running — arungupta @ 11:08 pm

Here is the summary of my running logs from Q3 2009 (Jul – Sep):

Even though 3 days of less running than Q2, but the overall mileage was increased. Barely hit that 400 miles mark in Q3 and it did took some extra efforts to reach there ;-) But now tapering for the upcoming Rock-n-Roll 1/2 Marathon this weekend.

5 miles was the most favorite distance being run 17 times and 19.7 miles and 17.4 miles were run only once.

Would you like to generate similar charts for your running logs as well ?

This can be easily achieved using a Rails application or a Wicket application on GlassFish.

Technorati: rails wicket glassfish running rnrsj

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  3. Track your running miles using JRuby, Ruby-on-Rails, GlassFish, NetBeans, MySQL, and YUI Charts
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