October 13, 2009

Oracle Open World 2009 – Day 3 Report

Categories: glassfish, javaee
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Day 3 of Oracle Open World 2009 (Day 1, Day 2) started on an adventurous note for me. The San Francisco Bay Area got hit with the strongest October storm in 47 years and so the ride from home to Moscone Center took almost 30 extra minutes, because of flooded roads, strong winds, other accidents, and hydroplaning multiple times. Anyway only missed first few minutes of Thomas Kurian’s keynote. Kurian is no stranger to the Java crowd because he is a regular keynote speaker at JavaOne. However it was totally impressive to see customer endorsements (both quality and quantity) and how they are using Oracle to solve operational problems.

Some more observations from the floor:

  • The last session gets over at 6:30pm and Moscone halls are closed after that, no late night BoFs or AfterDark events.
  • The game lounge is in the Moscone West only, not sure why. May be because that’s where the Middleware stream is and that’s where the developers are attracted ;-)
  • There is a dedicated slots for Exhibitor Hall where no other formal activities are happening.

I spent some time on the Java EE 6 booth talking about the technology and showcasing GlassFish features such as monitoring and Rails deployment.

Enjoy videos of marketing gimmicks by some vendors at the show floor:

The evening ended with the OOW Bloggers Meetup at LJ’s Martini Club & Grill. It was good to meet fellow bloggers from Oracle and other companies. OTN folks arranged a game to promote social networking. Basically, everybody was given a tee-shirt to wear and whoever has the most signatures from other bloggers wins an HP notebook. A MacBook would’ve been a better incentive to compete for me ;-) Anyway there was beer and muchies to keep the bloggers happy. Thanks to Justin (aka "King of OTN") for picking the bill!

Here are some pictures from earlier today:

And the evolving album at:

If you are not able to attend in person, then you can follow OOW Blogs, Open World Live, @OpenWorld (twitter), Community tweets with #oow.

Looking forward to see Arnold Schwarzenegger discussing technology innovation with Larry Ellison tomorrow.

Technorati: conf oracle openworld oow glassfish javaee otn bloggers

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Related posts:
  1. Oracle Open World 2009 in Pictures
  2. Oracle Open World 2009 – Day 1 Report
  3. Oracle Open World 2009 – Day 2 Report
  4. Oracle Open World 2009 – Day 4 with Larry, Arnold , and Aerosmith
  5. “Sparks of passion” in the “world of Open Source” – Archana N contributes to GlassFish Documentation


  1. 허니몬의 알림…

    Oracle Open World 2009 – Day 3 Report, Java EE 6 나온지 얼마 안되었다. @_@);; 우리나라 현업에서 쓰이는건 J2EE 4 인가요? Java EE 5인가요?…

    Trackback by sunfuture's me2DAY — October 14, 2009 @ 5:11 pm

  2. [...] Arun Gupta is a technology enthusiast, a passionate runner, and a community guy who works for Sun Microsystems. And this is his blog! Oracle Open World 2009 in Pictures » » « « Oracle Open World 2009 – Day 3 Report [...]

    Pingback by Oracle Open World 2009 – Day 4 with Larry, Arnold , and Aerosmith « Miles to go … — October 16, 2009 @ 10:14 am

  3. [...] a collage of different pictures from the recently concluded Oracle Open World 2009 (Day 1, 2, 3, [...]

    Pingback by Oracle Open World 2009 in Pictures « Miles to go … — October 16, 2009 @ 10:14 am

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