October 15, 2009

Oracle Open World 2009 – Day 4 with Larry, Arnold , and Aerosmith

Categories: glassfish, javaee
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Day 4 of Oracle Open World 2009 (Day 1, Day 2, Day 3) was all about about spending time at the Java EE 6 exhibit, attending Larry’s keynote and finally the Appreciation Event.

Larry talked about Oracle Enterprise Linux, Exadata v2, Oracle Enterprise Manager, and Fusion Apps.

Exadata v2 runs Oracle database faster than any other machine on the planet. With Exadata v1, the advantages were pretty obvious with customers reducing query times from 24 hours to 30 mins and 30 min to 1 min and some observing 10x – 72x improvements. Exadata v2 is much faster and bigger than v1 with 400 GB of DRAM + 5 TB of flash gives spectacular random IO memory (1 million I/Os per second).

Arnold Schwarzenegger made a surprise appearance during Larry’s keynote to talk about the technology innovation. Watch him speak in the 2-part videos below:

Watch Arnold’s endorsement of Oracle/Sun merger starting at 1:15 in part 2 video above.

This was my first experience to watch Arnold speaking live at a conference and must say I was truly impressed, and feel honored, by our esteemed governor. He is a great business men who did not deter from the opportunity to sell "Kaalifornia" to all the conference attendees. And he still very much carry the charm & persona from his previous life as a superstar.

The Appreciation Event had an impressive lineup of rocks bands including Aerosmith and Roger Daltrey. There was a boardwalk carnival with Ferris wheel, thrill rides and a games arcade. And of course there were exotic treats to feed you. One thing was clear, Oracle certainly knows how to take care of their customers!

Here are some pictures from yesterday:

And the complete album at:

After attending Oracle Open World 2009 for four days, I’m more than eagerly waiting for the merger to complete now. Now whether they keep me or not, I’m confident that they’ll be able to turn Sun around and make money out of it. If they keep me, I’m part of that success. If not, I’ll get job elsewhere but at least will be happy to see Sun’s products generating revenue :-)

Cmon EU!

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Related posts:
  1. Oracle Open World 2009 in Pictures
  2. Oracle Open World 2009 – Day 2 Report
  3. Oracle Open World 2009 – Day 1 Report
  4. Oracle Open World 2009 – Day 3 Report
  5. Larry Ellison to Sun Customers – “We’re in it to win it”

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