Monthly Archives: August 2014

Load Balance WebSockets using Apache HTTPD (Tech Tip #48)

JBoss EAP 6.3 provides a technology preview of WebSocket and WildFly have supported them as part of Java EE 7 compliance. provide tons of Java EE 7 samples that run on WildFly. If you are interested in similar functionality on JBoss EAP 6.3 then is a quickstart. In addition, there are a few more samples at

One of the common questions asked related to WebSockets is how to how to load balance  them. This Tech Tip will explain that for WildFly and JBoss EAP 6.3.

First, what are the main components ?

  • At least Apache HTTPD 2.4.5 is required. Now HTTPD binaries are not available for Mac but fortunately compiling instructions are explained clearly in Tech Tip #45.
  • mod_proxy_wstunnel is an Apache module that provides support for tunneling of Web Socket connections to a backend Web Sockets server, such as WildFly or JBoss EAP. It is a support module to mod_proxy that provide support for a number of popular protocols as well as several different load balancing algorithms. The connection is automagically upgraded to a WebSocket connection.  And all the modules are already included in the modules directory.
  • mod_proxy_balancer module is required that provides load balancing for HTTP and other protocols.

Let’s go!

  1. Download and unzip WildFly 8.1.
  2. Start WildFly 8.1 in domain mode using ./bin/
  3. Download this chat sample, rename the file to “chat.war” and deploy to “main-server-group” as:
    The only difference from the original Java EE 7 WebSocket Chat sample is the addition of System.getProperty("") to display the name of WildFly instance serving the application. The source code is available at
  4. Uncomment the following lines in /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf:
    This will enable all the required modules.
  5. Add the following code fragment at the end of “httpd.conf”:
    Proxy is a container for proxied resources and is creating a load balancing group in this case using balancer directive. BalancerMember adds a member to this load balancing group.  ProxyPass is a standard directive that maps remote servers running on different ports into the space of the local server. In this case, WildFly is started in domain mode and so starts two instances on port 8080 and 8230. Both of these instances are mapped to localhost:80, which is where Apache HTTPD is running by default.

The deployed chat sample is now accessible at localhost:8080/chat (first instance in the managed domain), localhost:8230/chat (second WildFly instance in the managed domain), and localhost/chat (via Apache HTTPD).

Now even if you kill one of the WildFly instances, the other instance will continue to serve the client. Note, this only gives application availability as there is no session failover in this.

This was also verified on JBoss EAP 6.3 and there are a few differences:

  1. Use the sample from instead.
  2. The generated archive name is different and so the command would look slightly different too:
  3. Configure “httpd.conf” as:

And that’s it!

Watch this live in action:

An important point to understand is that there is no concept of “sticky sessions” in WebSocket as, unlike HTTP, there is a direct and “permanent” connection between the client and the server in this case.


WildFly with a custom configuration in OpenShift (Tech Tip #47)

WildFly instances can be easily started in OpenShift. Tech Tip #7 shows how to spin up an instance of WildFly in OpenShift. Tech Tip #21 explained how to get started using JBoss Tools.

Now this WildFly instance is started with the stock configuration.xml. However some times you may want to configure the containers or specify additional configuration information in this file. This Tech Tip will show you how to do that.

Let’s go!

  1. Start a WildFly instance as explained in Tech Tip #7.
  2. On the application page, clone the workspace associated with this application. The command will look something like:
  3. This workspace has .openshift/standalone.xml file. Edit this file to meet your need. For example, if you want to use Infinispan as a persistency solution in standalone mode, then you’ll add the following code fragment:
    under <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:infinispan:2.0"> section.
  4. Commit and push the change:
    This will automatically restart the cartridge and show the output as:

Now the WildFly instance in OpenShift will use the updated configuration file.

You can even verify this by logging into your application as:

And checking for the updated elements in wildfly/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml file.

Alternatively, you can ssh into your instance and use the JBoss CLI to make updates to your standalone.xml file.


Java EE 7 Real World Experience: Campground Management with

tipicamp-logo provides a simple campground management software and targets 25,000+ independent campgrounds all over Europe. It provides a customer-friendly booking-portal and a RESTful API for partners to integrate. The project was conceived in September 2013 when Christoph returned from vacation, disappointed because of the missed booking for their tent. And now he has created a new solution connecting campers and campgrounds with each other.

The website offers a SaaS where campgrounds can register their camp sites and campers can look at the availability of these campgrounds, check out their calendar, pick a site and make a reservation. It is also available for on-site installation if you prefer running it on your domain. Think of it as, but available to all the independent campgrounds and much more modern 😉

The landing page is certainly very fancy:


Websites of smaller campgrounds are typically characterized by low data maintenance and absence of a booking possibility. has advantages:

  • Easy-to-use portal for campground owners and campers
  • Campground owner administrate and book his sites independently
  • Customer data management
  • External sales channels, for example, can be connected to sell the log cabins
  • RESTful API it is also possible to handle larger individual installations

Campgrounds get their own portal, reservations, channel management, email and much more for €1/day if they are located in Europe or $1/day if they are in US. Each campground with an Internet connection and browser (whether computer or iPad) can use the software.

In terms of the overall flow, campground owner register their campground with Traveler checks out the calendar and books the campground using the responsive portal.



Check out the welcome page:


Campers can search through the available camps and then look at the calendar of a particular camp:


Pick a particular site on the campground:


And then checkout to make the payment:


This website is built using Java EE 7:



Here is a brief description of the technology stack:

  • Presentation
    • JavaServer Faces + Expression Language. Different templates are used for desktop and iPad apps. JSF Template Library might be used to provide a fully customized portal for the campground owners later.
    • Security: JAAS Principal + JDBC realm
    • Bean discovery mode=”all”
  • Middle Tier
    • EJB for business boundaries
    • Servlets with JSON for web hooks: response from Paypal and Sendgrid
    • JAX-RS for exposing API to partners
  • Backend
    • JPA + Bean Validation, use @Index for database generation during development. Flyway API for database migrations in production.
    • Concurrency: Calculation of statistics and sending messages, Sendgrid takes ~1-4 seconds to send messages
    • Using @Startup @Singleton @Schedule to run a job at pre-defined time

Technologies from outside the platform were:

  • Primefaces 5 for the GUI and Bootstrap for the responsive Enduser-Portal.
  • Sendgrid API for sending mails. This is required as opposed to JavaMail because specific meta information needs to be added to each email.
  • Misc apache commons (eq. FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile or IOUtils.toByteArray) – there are only a few sections.
  • Flyway API for database migrations
  • Junit with Derby – for testing


  • JDK 8
  • IntelliJ 13.1 with Maven
  • Wildfly 8.1.0.Final – Single instance of WildFly is used. The app was previously deployed on GlassFish.
  • Apache httpd is used to:
    • performance-tuning with KeepAlive, mod_expires for the images and the compression
    • easy SSL configuration
    • handle more WildFly under 1 hostname with the mod_proxy
    • mod_redirect for redirect all http requests to the app to https
  • Github
  • Jenkins
  • for Load-Testing
  • Currently the application is deployed on a self-hostet Linux-Server in the data center.

Wish list for Java EE 8

  • Most used Apache Commons Libs
  • @Temporal works with LocalDate and LocalDateTime
  • Batch processing API does support generics

And here are supporting quotes on Java EE 7

And on WildFly:

So, do you want to start on this terrific two combination of Java EE 7 + WildFly ?

Download WildFly 8.1 today, learn the technology by reading/trying Java EE 7 samples, browse through Java EE 7 resources.

Or if you want to be on the bleeding edge, check out WildFly 9.0.

Many thanks to Christoph Gapp ( and Adam Bien (@adambien) for providing all the answers!

Are you using Java EE 7 and WildFly to deploy your projects ? Would love to feature you here! Send me an email or leave a comment on the blog.


Cloud in a Box: OpenShift Online in VirtualBox (Tech Tip #46)


OpenShift is Red Hat’s PaaS platform and comes in three flavors:

  • Origin is the Community PaaS offering. You can explore the community-driven open source upstream of OpenShift. Join the community.
  • Online is the Public PaaS offering. Host your applications in the public cloud with automated provisioning, management, and scaling of applications. Sign up for free.
  • Enterprise is the Private PaaS offering. Leverage PaaS in your own data centers and private cloud. Request evaluation.

This Tech Tip will show how you can setup a Virtual VM running with OpenShift Online. Instructions at are pretty self explanatory. Here are the exact ones that I followed on Mavericks:

  1. Download VM:
  2. Unpack VM files
  3. Follow the instructions to create a VirtualBox instance. Create a new hard drive using the unzipped origin-vm.vmdk file.

    IMPORTANT: Instead of 4.2.4 to add bridged networking, setup a host-only network using 4.2.5.

  4. Boot the VM to see the output as:


    Type “5” to exit to the command prompt.

  5. VM comes pre-configured with Avahi DNS service and so now you can access OpenShift console at broker.openshift.local and seen as:


    The username/password are “demo”/”changeme”.

  6. Create an SSH tunnel into the VM as:

    Password is “changeme”. OpenShift admin console is now accessible at localhost:8080/admin-console and looks like:


    More details about Admin Console are well documented.

Many thanks to Harrison for guiding me through creating this process!

Ask your OpenShift questions at stackoverflow or follow them at @openshift.



Compiling Apache HTTPD on Mac (Tech Tip #45)

One of my blogs needed Apache HTTPD 2.4.x on Mac but quickly realized that the binaries are available only for Netware and Win32. Even the build instructions were only for RPM-based systems. So I downloaded the source code and started building it.

Complete compile instructions are explained here. However there were some issues on Mavericks and so decided to document it.

Let’s go!

  1. Download the source bundle and unzip:
  2. Source code comes with INSTALL instructions and per that the following should’ve worked:
    So gave the command
    and got the first error:
  3. Moved past “checking whether the C compiler works… no” error by following instructions on stackoverflow #13587001.In short, do the following for Mavericks
  4. Issued the command to compile the server again and got the error as shown:
    This was resolved using stackoverflow #10663180. In short:

    1. Download PCRE as:
    2. Compile and install as:

    The compilation output is shown here.

  5. Compile HTTPD source again as:

    Complete output of this configuration is here.

  6. Now issue the command make:

    Complete output of the command is shown here.

  7. Finally install Apache2 as:

    Complete output of this command is shown here.

Version for HTTPD can be checked as:

Server can be started as:

Stopped as:

Restarted as:


Java EE 6 Sample, with HTML5, jQuery, Hybrid mobile: aka Ticket Monster (Tech Tip #44)

Java EE 7 was released last year, Java EE 8 preparations have already started, so what tempts me to write a blog about Java EE 6 ?

A few reasons …

  • Even though Java EE 5 was the first version where some of the specs were updated to simplify the platform, Java EE 6 is where higher productivity became the primary focus and kicked into high gear.
  • All commercially available application servers are still Java EE 6 compliant.
  • Java EE 7 is pretty cool and provide an awesome bunch of new technologies like WebSocket, Batch, JSON, and Concurrency. But customers are still sticking around with older version of the platform because these applications, servers, and environments cannot change overnight.

So if you are looking for a real-world Java EE 6 sample application that:

  • Use Eclipse for building a Java EE 6 application
  • Build persistence layer with JPA2 and Bean Validation
  • Build business services with JAX-RS
  • Building the User Interface with HTML5
  • Building Administration UI with JBoss Forge
  • Building statistics dashboard using HTML5 and JavaScript
  • Hybrid mobile version of the app using Apache Cordova

In addition, it also shows:

  • Deploy your application on a local instance or a remote instance running in OpenShift
  • Run tests against your JBoss instance

Ticket Monster is your ultimate source. It not only shows how the key Java EE 6 technologies can be used together but also integrate jQuery, HTML5, and mobile version of the application as well.

The video below gives a quick preview of the application:

An instance of Ticket Monster can be previewed at or

So how do you get started ?

  1. Download Ticket Monster 2.6.0 (with tutorials). Corresponding source code is at
  2. Set up Red Hat Maven repositories as explained here. If you don’t care reading through the instructions, overwrite .m2/settings.xml with this settings.xml.
  3. Build the WAR of your application
  4. To run on local JBoss instance:
    • Download JBoss EAP 6.3
    • Unzip and start as
    • Deploy the application as
      This will also build the application again.

      The application is now accessible at localhost:8080/ticket-monster.

  5. To run on JBoss instance in OpenShift
    • Create a JBoss EAP 6 application in OpenShift
    • Add PostgreSQL cartridge for this application
    • Create an archive as

      This will use the installed PostgreSQL cartridge for persistence.

    • Clone the git workspace from OpenShift

      The actual git url will be specific to your application.

    • Copy generated WAR file to git workspace and rename to ROOT.war

    • Remove existing source and pom.xml from git workspace, add WAR, and push

    • Access the application at htp://<appname-domainname> following video shows the steps for running TicketMonster on OpenShift:

Ask your questions about Ticket Monster at

WildFly 9: Features and Getting Started (Tech Tip #43)

WildFly 8.1 provides a Java EE 7 compliant application server, and is pretty awesome!

WildFly team has been actively working this summer on the next release. WildFly 9 features were announced a few weeks ago. Here is a quick summary and links to discussions on wildfly-dev:

  • Core/Servlet/Full Split
  • Graceful shutdown
  • Elytron (Security improvments)
  • Switching to the JDK ORB from JacORB
  • Undertow as a mod_cluster frontend
  • Subsystem Capabilities and Requirements
  • EAP 6.4 RFEs (TBA)

Links/details to rest of the features TBD.

So how do you get started with WildFly 9 ?

  • Building WildFly 9 requires at least have Maven 3.2.1, download the latest here.
  • Clone the workspace as:
  • Build the workspace as:
    Took 02:36 mins to build on my machine :)
  • Unzip dist/target/ to a new directory
  • Run WildFly as:

Note that is still very early in the development stages and workspace is constantly evolving. So things may be broken but you know that Red Hat is working actively on your favorite application server :-)

Some useful references …

  • Feel free to subscribe to wildfly-dev alias and participate in the discussion
  • Ask your questions on WildFly forum
  • WildFly 9 docs (very early, mostly placeholder)
  • Follow us at @WildFlyAS

Java EE 7 Javadocs Download, Online, Tutorial, Samples (Tech Tip #42)

I was surprised when Google could not find Java EE 7 Javadocs download link clearly on the first page. StackOverflow was helpful here again, but even that was the last link on first page.

Now, I do know the location and can find my ways around. But this needs to be simplified and made more accessible for developers around the world.

So here are some usual Java EE 7 references:

  • Java EE 7 Javadocs Download Full Platform (, Web Profile
  • Java EE 7 Javadocs Online
  • Java EE 7 Tutorial
  • Java EE 7 Whitepaper
  • Java EE 7 Samples

Javadocs can also be installed on Dash as explained in Antonio’s blog.

And as usual, you can download WildFly or GlassFish to get started with Java EE 7!


Using Infinispan as a persistency solution

Cross-posted from Thanks Fredrik and Matti for your permission!

Various RDBMSs are the de-facto standard for persistency. Using them is such a safe bet by architects that I dare say they are used in too many places nowadays. To fight against this, I have recently been exploring with alternative persistency options, like graph databases. This time I played with Infinispan.

In case you are not familiar with Infinispan, or distributed key/value data stores in general, you could think of it as a HashMap on steroids. Most essentially, the map is shared among all your cluster nodes. With clustering you can gain huge size, blazing fast access and redundancy, depending on how you configure it. There are several products that compete with Infinispan, like Ehcache and Hazelcast from OS world and Oracle Coherence from the commercial side.

Actually, Infinispan is a technology that you might have used without noticing it at all. For example high availability features of Wildfly heavily rely on Infinispan caches. It is also often used as a second level cache for ORM libraries. But it can also be used directly as a persistency library as such.

Why would you consider it as your persistency solution:

  • It is a lightning fast in-memory data storage
  • The stored value can be any serializable object, no complex mapping libraries needed
  • It is built from the ground up for a clustered environment – your data is safer and faster to access. It is very easy for horizontal scaling
  • It has multiple optional cache store alternatives, for writing the state to e.g. disk for cluster wide reboots
  • Not all data needs to be stored forever, Infinispan has built-in sophisticated evict rules
  • Possibility to use transactional access for ACID changes

Sounds pretty amazing, doesn’t it? And it sure is for certain use cases, but all technologies have their weaknesses and so do key/value data stores. When comparing to RDBMSs, the largest drawback is with relations to other entities. You’ll have to come up with a strategy for how to store references to other entities and searching based on related features must also be tackled. If you end up wondering these questions, be sure to check if Hibernate OGM could help you.

Also, doing some analysis on the data can be considered simpler, or at least more familiar, with traditional SQL queries. Especially if you end up having a lot of data, distributed on multiple nodes, you’ll have to learn the basics of MapReduce programming model to do any non trivial queries.

Using Infinispan in a web application

Although Infinispan is not tied to Wildfly, I decided to base my experiments on Wildfly. Its built in version is available for web applications, if you explicitly request it. The easiest method to do this is to add the following MANIFEST.MF entry to your war file. If you don’t want to spoil your project with obsolete files, just add it using a small war plugin config.

Naturally you’ll still want to add an Infinispan dependency to your application, but you can leave it to provided. Be sure to use the same version provided by your server, in Wildlfy 8, Infinispan version is 6.0.2. In a Maven project, add this kind of dependency declaration:

Before accessing Infinispan “caches”, you need to configure them. There are both programmatic and xml configurations available. With Wildfly, it is most natural to configure the Infinispan data store right into the server config. The “right” config file depends on how you are launching your Wildfly server. If you are testing clustering locally, you probably want to add something like this into your domain.xml, under the <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:infinispan:2.0"> section.

Note that with this config, the data is only stored within the memory of cluster nodes. To learn how to tweak cache settings or to set up disk “backup”, refer to the extensive Infinispan documentation.

To remove all Infinispan references from the UI code, I created an EJB that does all the data access. There I inject the CacheContainer provided by Wildfly and fetch the default cache in an init method.

I guess you are already wondering it: yes, the Map is the very familiar java.util.Map interface and the rest of the implementation is trivial to any Java developer. Infinispan caches extend the basic Map interface, but in case you need some more advanced features, you can also use Cache or AdvancedCache types.

The MyEntity in the previous code snippet is just a very simple POJO I created for the example. With Vaadin CDI usage, I can then inject the EJB to my UI class and do pretty much anything with it. The actual Vaadin code has no special tricks, just normal CDI spiced Vaadin code.

Based on this exercise, would I use Infinispan directly for persistency in my next project? Probably not, but for certain apps, without hesitation. I can also imagine certain hybrid models where some of the data is only in an Infinispan cache and some in traditional RDBMS, naturally behind ORM, taking the best of both worlds.

We’ll also be using Infinispan in our upcoming joint webinar with Arun Gupta from RedHat on September 8th, 2014. There we’ll show you a simple Vaadin application and how easy it can be to cluster it using Wildfly.

Ceylon JUG Tour – US 2014

Ceylon is a statically and strong-typed programming language, created by Red Hat. Version 1.0.0 was released late last year and 1.1 is coming soon.

Gavin King (creator of Hibernate and CDI) and Stéphane Épardaud will be touring the USA East coast JUGs in October. At each venue, they will explain what Ceylon is, and why you will want to use it for your next production applications. The talks will be aimed at people who have never heard of Ceylon, or who have heard about it but want to know more. At the end of the evening you will be up to date with all that Ceylon is and has to offer.

Their complete itinerary is explained at

Don’t miss this opportunity. Make sure to show up at JUGs in your neighborhood and ask all your questions to the language creators!

JBoss Middleware: Accelerate, Integrate, Automate


Ever wondered how to understand multiple Red Hat JBoss middleware offerings ?

Mike Piech (@mpiech), GM of JBoss Middleware Business Unit explains them in a succinct video:

Its structured in three buckets:

Accelerate – Building things faster

  • JBoss Enterprise Application Platform provides an innovative modular, cloud-ready architecture, powerful management and automation, and world class developer productivity. It is Java™ EE 6 certified and features powerful yet flexible management, improved performance and scalability, and many new features to maximize developer productivity.
  • Red Hat JBoss Web Server is the only enterprise-class web server solution you need for large-scale websites and lightweight web applications. It provides a more secure and a more stable environment of open source web software, like Apache and Tomcat.
  • Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio provides superior support for your entire development lifecycle. It includes a broad set of tooling capabilities and support for multiple programming models and frameworks, including Java™ Enterprise Edition 6, HTML5, and many other popular technologies. It provides developer choice in supporting multiple JVMs, productivity with Maven, and in testing with Arquillian. It is fully tested and certified to ensure that all its plug-ins, runtime components, and their dependencies are compatible with each other.
  • Red Hat JBoss Data Grid gives you a straightforward approach to overcoming data obstacles, providing the ability to quickly access accurate, real-time information, meet high uptime requirements, streamline interaction with complex and rigid data tiers, and handle unprecedented transaction volumes.
  • Red Hat JBoss Portal is a proven solution for building high-impact, self-service applications

Integrate – Pull the pieces together

  • Red Hat JBoss Fuse is a flexible, small-footprint enterprise service bus (ESB) that enables rapid integration across the extended enterprise. Integration everywhere – on-premise or in the cloud.
  • Red Hat JBoss A-MQ is a flexible, high-performance messaging platform that delivers information reliably, enabling real-time integration and the Internet of Things (IOT).
  • Red Hat JBoss Fuse Service Works is a platform that creates reusable, changeable, and flexible business services that hide the complexity of connecting to different applications in your enterprise. It sets the stage for faster and easier cloud applications, mobile applications, and business process development projects.
  • Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization is a lean, virtual data integration solution that unlocks trapped data and delivers it as easily consumable, unified, and actionable information. JBoss Data Virtualization makes data spread across physically diverse systems—such as multiple databases, XML files, and Hadoop systems—appear as a set of tables in a local database.

Automate – Automate significant parts of your business

  • Red Hat JBoss BRMS is a comprehensive platform for business rules management and complex event processing. Organizations can incorporate sophisticated decision logic into line-of-business applications and quickly update underlying business rules as market conditions change.
  • Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite is a comprehensive platform for business process management. It includes all the business rules and complex event processing (CEP) capabilities of Red Hat JBoss BRMS [business rules management system], along with advanced tools and runtime support for Business Process Model and Notation v2.0 (BPMN2)-compliant business processes.

And this is also shown in the following image:


Learn all about it at:

  • Get a quick overview in this technology brochure
  • Why choose JBoss Middleware over IBM Web’s fear ?
  • Why choose JBoss Middleware over Oracle conFusion ?

WildFly Administration Course by Alexis Hassler

Alexis Hassler (@alexishassler) is a software developer, specialized in Java and Java EE. He is using JBoss since version 2.0, more than twelve years ago. His business is to code for other companies or help them to improve the way they develop and deploy Java applications. He is co-leader of LyonJUG and helps to organize Mix-IT, an annual conference in Lyon.

He recently concluded a WildFly administration course. Here is a brief Q&A with him:

Q. You recently concluded a 4-day WildFly administration course. Tell us more about that.
A. This course will help you understand the operation, configuration principles of WildFly. The core of the course is 3 days long. It deals with installation, deployment, administration tools, security and tuning. The forth day is on clustering and is optional. The recently concluded session was the first one and was conducted on-site in Brussels.

Q. Who is this course targeted for ?
A.  The course is designed for application server administrators. But it is useful for developers and software architects too. In fact, it is useful for anybody who have to work with WildFly.

Q. Where can users register for this course ?
A. The schedule of the course is on my company web site : Registration can be done by e-mail : formation -at-

Q. How much of this course would be relevant for JBoss EAP users/customers ?
A. JBoss EAP 6 is based on JBoss AS 7, but a lot of administration features of the latest EAP has been added in WildFly 8. So if you have EAP 6.2 or 6.3, this course will match ~ 80%. If you have an older EAP, a JBoss AS 7 course would be better ( JBoss EAP users is not the main target of this course.  RedHat has some great courses on JBoss Middleware Development and JBoss Middleware Administration.

Q. How is your experience with JBoss / WildFly management tools ?
A. Comparing with older versions of JBoss (I mean before JBoss AS 6), WildFly management tools are a huge step ahead. You can choose your tool:

  • Web console
  • Command line
  • JMX
  • Java API

Jboss-cli is the most useful one. It allow an admin to automate the whole setup his application server. The HTTP API is great too, as it allow to make custom tools in any language. For example, you can build your own simplified admin console in pure JavaScript. I don’t really like the Java API because, it’s a detyped API and it doesn’t fit with a compiled-time typed language. Maybe a Groovy guy could make a nice DSL on top of it. All in one, the greatest thing is that the different tools are really consistent : same data and same logic to manipulate these data. If you learn jboss-cli, it’s really easy to understand the HTTP API.

Q. What tips would you give for users coming new to WildFly ?
A. If you know JBoss AS 7, it will be easy. WildFly 8 is just the next version. Read the changelog and everything will be fne. If you know older versions of JBoss AS, forget everything you know, and start from the beginning with a good book. If you know Tomcat, be prepared to discover the power to “fly”. And for everybody, learn the CLI tool.

Q. Which application servers developers should choose, for both development and deployment ?
A. It mainly depends on what you want to do. Tomcat can be great too, because it’s really simple. When it comes with Java EE, TomEE is a very nice application server but lacks of administration tools. For Glassfish, we will see with the next versions if the current quality is maintained or if it comes back to a simple RI software. So, OK, WildFly is my favorite choice : great module system, great admin tools and great community.

Q. What resources do you generally refer to when looking for help on WildFly ?
A. For me, the main resource are the official documentation ( and Francesco Marchioni’s blog ( For a beginner, Francesco’s book WildFly 8, administration guide would be easier. The last resource I would recommend is the WildFly section on my wiki (, but it’s in French.


JBoss EAP 6.3 now available!

JBoss EAP 6.3 is now available!


This release brings continued progress on the road to making EAP the most manageable and secure Java EE 6-compliant Application Server for traditional and cloud based workloads. It also continues the core themes of the EAP 6 major version family of better user experience, improved manageability, and enhanced performance.

Where to download ?

For current customers with active subscriptions, the Beta can be downloaded from the customer support portal.

For community users developing applications that will be deployed on a supported EAP, the bits will soon be made available from under development terms & conditions, and questions can be posed to the EAP Forum.

Where are docs ?

Complete documentation is available on customer support portal, and here are quick links:

  • Release Notes
  • Administration and Configuration Guide
  • Development Guide
  • Getting Started Guide
  • Installation Guide
  • Migration Guide
  • Security Guide

What’s new ?

  • PicketLink enhancements
  • Domain recovery improvements
  • Support for PKCS11 keystores
  • Web management console
    • Patching available
    • Testing DataSources
    • Unified navigation labels
    • Opt-in analytics collection
  • Deployment overlay enhancement
  • Support for Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

Complete list of new features is described here.

Some of the features are available in Tech Preview mode such as WebSockets, adding/removing modules using JBoss CLI, multi-JSF and many more.

Features like JBoss OSGi, STOMP with HornetQ, mod_jk and mod_cluster with Apache on RHEL 7 and some others are not supported.

If you are looking for a Java EE 7-compliant Application Server, then download WildFly.