WebSocket Chat on WildFly and OpenShift (Tech Tip #51)

Chat is one of the most canonical sample to explain WebSocket. Its a fairly commonly used interface and allows to explain the fundamental WebSocket concepts very easily. Of course, Java EE 7 WebSocket has one too, available here! You can easily run it on WildFly using the following steps:

And then access it at http://localhost:8080/chat/.

One of the biggest advantage of WebSocket is how it opens up a socket over the same port as HTTP, 8080 in this case. If you want to deploy this application to OpenShift, then WebSocket is available on port 8000 for regular access, and 8443 for secure access. This is explained in the figure below:


 If you want to run this Chat application on OpenShift, then use the following steps:

  1. Click here to provision a WildFly instance in OpenShift. Change the name to “chatserver” and everything else as default. Click on “Create Application” to create the application.
  2. Clone the workspace:
  3. Edit the first line of “javaee7-samples/websocket/chat/src/main/webapp/websocket.js”from:

  4. Create the WAR file:
  5. Copy the generated WAR file to the workspace cloned earlier:
  6. Remove existing files and add the WAR file to git repository:

    And this shows the output as:

And now your chat server is available at: http://chatserver-milestogo.rhcloud.com and looks like:



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2 thoughts on “WebSocket Chat on WildFly and OpenShift (Tech Tip #51)

  1. I tried a few months ago exactly the same. It didn’t work and i see now why. I need to use the port 8000 for the websocket connection.


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