Cloud, Devops, Microservices Track Program Committee at JavaOne 2015


JavaOne 2015 Program Committee wheels are churning to make sure we provide the best content for you this year. There are a total of 9 tracks covering the entire Java landscape and all the track leads and program committee members are reviewing and voting upon the submissions. This is not an easy task especially when there are a lot of submission and the quality of submissions is top notch.

Here is the list of program committee members for Cloud and DevOps track:




 James Turnbull

And I am (@arungupta) leading the track along with @brunoborges!


Complete list of all the program committee members across all the tracks is published here.

Many thanks for all the wonderful submissions, and to all the program committee members for reviewing the proposals!

Just to give you an idea, here is the tag cloud generated from the titles of all submissions for Cloud and DevOps track:


JavaOne 2015 Title Tag Cloud for Cloud/DevOps Track


And a tag cloud from all the abstracts of the same track:

JavaOne 2015 Abstract Tag Cloud for Cloud/DevOps Track


And in case you are wondering, here is the tag cloud of titles from submissions across all the tracks:

JavaOne 2015 Tag Cloud Title


And the same for submissions across all the tracks:

JavaOne 2015 Tag Cloud Abstract


Stay tuned, we are working hard to make sure to provide an excellent content at JavaOne!

Here are a couple of additional links:

  • Register for JavaOne
  • Justify to your boss

And, you can always find all the details at

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4 thoughts on “Cloud, Devops, Microservices Track Program Committee at JavaOne 2015

  1. There are the wonder full site here to like by the all web users you have to connect the online euchre online free and create the best score forever to join this card online i hope you like to play it.

  2. Can you please suggest where I should start in case I’d like to learn more about the cloud development tools. I asked essay writer for some materials but I want to join some team.

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