JavaOne Cloud, DevOps, Containers, Microservices etc. Track


Every year, for the past 19 years, JavaOne is the biggest and most awesome gathering of Java enthusiasts from around the world. JavaOne 2015 is the 20th edition of this wonderful conference. How many conferences can claim this? :)

Would you like to be part of JavaOne 2015? Sure, you can get notified when the registration opens and attend the conference. Why not take it a notch higher on this milestone anniversary?

Submit a session and become a speaker? Tips for Effective Sessions Submissions at Technology Conferences provide detailed tips on how to make the session title/abstract compelling for the program committee.

Have you been speaking at JavaOne for past several years? Don’t wait, and just submit your session today. The sooner you submit, higher the chances of program committee members voting on it. You know the drill!

Important Dates

  • Call for Papers closes April 29, 2015
  • Notifications for accepted and declined sessions: mid-June
  • Conference date: Oct 25 – 29

JavaOne Tracks

JavaOne conference is organized by tracks, and the tracks for this year are:

  • Core Java Platform
  • Java and Security
  • JVM and Emerging Languages
  • Java, DevOps, and the Cloud
  • Java and the Internet of Things
  • Java and Server-Side Development
  • Java, Clients, and User Interfaces
  • Java Development Tools and Agile Techniques

I’m excited and honored to co-lead the Java, DevOps, and the Cloud track with Bruno Borges (@brunoborges). The track abstract is:

The evolution of service-related enterprise Java standards has been underway for more than a decade, and in many ways the emergence of cloud computing was almost inevitable. Whether you call your current service-oriented development “cloud” or not, Java offers developers unique value in cloud-related environments such as software as a service (SaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS). The Java Virtual Machine is an ideal deployment environment for new microservice and container application architectures that deploy to cloud infrastructures. And as Java development in the cloud becomes more pervasive, enabling application portability can lead to greater cloud productivity. This track covers the important role Java plays in cloud development, as well as orchestration techniques used to effectively address the service lifecycle of cloud-based applications. Track sessions will cover topics such as SaaS, PaaS, DevOps, continuous delivery, containers, microservices, and other related concepts.

So what exactly are we looking for in this track?

  • How have you been using PaaS effectively for solving customer issues?
  • Why is SaaS critical to your business? Are you using IaaS, PaaS, SaaS all together for different parts of your business?
  • Have you used microservices in a JVM-based application? Lessons from the trenches?
  • Have you transformed your monolith to a microservice-based architecture?
  • How are containers helping you reduce impedance mismatch between dev, test, and prod environments?
  • Building a deployment pipeline using containers, or otherwise
  • Are PaaS and DevOps complimentary? Success stories?
  • Docker machine, compose, swarm recipes
  • Mesosphere, Kubernetes, Rocket, Juju, and other clustering frameworks
  • Have you evaluated different containers and adopted one? Pros and Cons?
  • Any successful practices around containers, microservices, and DevOps together?
  • Tools, methodologies, case studies, lessons learned in any of these, and other related areas
  • How are you moving legacy applications to the Cloud?
  • Are you using private clouds? Hybrid clouds? What are the pros/cons? Successful case studies, lessons learned.

These are only some of the suggested topics and are looking forward to your creative imagination. Remember, there are a variety of formats for submission:

  • 60 mins session or panel
  • Two-hour tutorial or hands-on lab
  • 45 mins BoFs
  • 5 mins Ignite talk

We think this is going to be the coolest track of the conference, with speakers eager to share everything about all the bleeding edge technologies and attendees equally eager to listen and learn from them. We’d like to challenge all of you to submit your best session, and make our job extremely hard!

Once again, make sure to read Tips for Effective Sessions Submissions at Technology Conferences for a powerful session submission. One key point to remember: NO vendor or product pitches. This is a technology conference!

Dilbert Technology Show

Links to Remember

  • Call for Papers:
  • Tracks:
  • Submit your Proposal:

JavaOne is where you have geekgasm multiple times during the day. This is going to be my 17th attendance in a row, and so looking forward to see you there!

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One thought on “JavaOne Cloud, DevOps, Containers, Microservices etc. Track

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