Couchbase on OpenShift 3

OpenShift is Red Hat’s open source PaaS platform. OpenShift 3 provides a holistic experience of running your applications using Docker and Kubernetes. In a classic Red Hat way, all the work is done in the open source at OpenShift Origin. This also drives the next major release of OpenShift Online and OpenShift Enterprise.

OpenShift 3 using Docker and Kubernetes for container orchestration makes it really simple to bring any products that have a Docker image to run with minimal effort. This blog explains how to get started with Couchbase on OpenShift 3.

OpenShift-logoCouchbase Logo

Getting Started with OpenShift 3

  • Download the latest Vagrant box (1.1 as of this writing) and Vagrantfile from: Copy them in the same directory.Vagrantfile is configured for 2GB memory and can be updated if you need to run more containers. OpenShift Master, Node, Docker Registry, and other components run inside the VM.This blog was written using Vagrant 1.7.4 and VirtualBox 5.0.10r104061.
  • Add the Vagrant Box:
  • Start the Virtual Machine:

Download and Configure OpenShift 3 Client

  • Download Mac 64-bit client tools (gem install rhc is for v2 only) from and extract them a in directory. The listing looks like:
  • Verify the client version:
  • Remove ~/.kube/configor rename to something else.
  • Login to OpenShift:

Create Couchbase Application in OpenShift 3

  • Create a new Couchbase instance:
    arungupta/couchbase is used as it uses Couchbase REST API to preconfigure the Couchbase server with:

    • Memory and index quota
    • Query, Data, and Index service
    • Username and password credentials
    • Install travel-sample bucket

    This sample bucket will be used later for querying data.

  • Check the status of deployment:

  • Find the list of Pods:

  • Get more details about the Couchbase pod:

Query Couchbase Sample Bucket

  • Log into the Vagrant box:

  • Find a list of all the running containers:

    Search for Couchbase container:

    Get the id for our container:

  • Get IP address of the Pod where Couchbase server is running:

  • Use the IP address shown above to start Couchbase Query CLI:

  • Query the sample bucket:


This blog shows the very basics of getting started with Couchbase on OpenShift 3. Future blogs will show:

  • How to deploy an application to OpenShift and use this Couchbase
  • How to make this application accessible outside OpenShift
  • How to scale Couchbase in OpenShift
  • Possibly some other interesting items that come along

Do you have a suggestion on what you’d like to see?

Read more about Couchbase 4.1:

  • What’s New in Couchbase Server 4.1
  • Download Couchbase Server 4.1
  • Couchbase Server documentation
  • Talk to us on Couchbase Forums
  • Follow @couchbasedev or @couchbase
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3 thoughts on “Couchbase on OpenShift 3

  1. Pingback: Couchbase on OpenShift 3 | Dinesh Ram Kali.
  2. Hi Arun,
    Thanks for the wonderful blog. What is k8_POD running for? I have seen for each container I run, there is an extra pod k8s_POD starts along with it.

    Thanks in advance

    Yogesh kad

  3. I know that on you will learn more about making career choices. I had such experience recently

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